PurplePillBox's answer (3)
I'm sure almost all of us have suffered through the pain of not being able to sat stuff like 'OMFG KAGEYAMA AND HINATA R SO IN LOVE LOOK AT THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HIM' So this idea is PERFECT! Fujoshi friendships are unbreakable yall
1 reply
08 07,2017
We should all join a Line group chat!\(≧▽≦)/
3 reply
12 07,2017
I don't think it's normal, it all comes down to taste. I've talked to some people who've been reading yaoi for years, but won't touch a Harada work. It's just like music genres and such. We all know what pop music is gonna sound like but we might not want to listen to it. Ive been reading yaoi forever, and love all kinds, especially the wicked one......
08 07,2017