Potaku's question (4)

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I have a kpop discord server that has like 4 people please join we’re very lonely

14 07,2020
I made a discord, at the moment it only has Me(girl)my best friend and his boyfriend. Me and Leo both like kpop. Are age group is around 16. We live in the US.

14 07,2020
I made a server, at the moment it’s only me and some of my friends. Me, my best friend, my best friends boyfriend, my kpop friend, my other friend, my best friends boyfriends friend. So in total 6 people at the moment. We’re kinda running dry on kpop fans we need more. We’re also running dry on bl fans. Please liven up the chat so we can talk about kpop and Yaoi.

14 07,2020
Can a lesbian like yaoi?? Like I really like yaoi, and I have only been attracted to girls all my life. Since I like yaoi the LGBTQ+ community rejected me and said I wasn't a so called "true" lesbian. I just want other people's opinion on this matter.
29 09,2018