Desgod's answer page 1 (21)

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……Go Away   reply
29 05,2024
about question
The only thing I wanted to address is that your question is built around faulty logic. You can’t compare the acts of murder and rape. Someone who kills will not necessarily rape and someone that rapes people doesn’t necessarily kill anyone. They’re two psychologically different criminal mindsets. Unless they’re like a literal serial kill......   1 reply
14 05,2024
about dating
18 05,2024
How is this list missing Mr. Kang from ‘On or Off’?I thought we were all professionals here. SMH   reply
18 05,2024
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Telling someone who’s not excited to ‘calm down’. MF should just say ‘shut up bitch’ and let that misogyny out to breathe.   reply
9 days
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03 05,2024
PSA: do it for the lulz I would take any info you get from this self-titled ‘delusion calculator’, and self admitted ‘not 100% accurate’, with a grain of salt. I may be a weirdo but a website for an ‘AI dating coach’ is hella sus to me.   reply
03 05,2024
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I present one of my ultimate favorite characters of all time~ -Sir Integra Fairbrooks Wingates Hellsing- From the Hellsing manga + the couple of anime adaptations. The style of drawing her changes kinda a lot even from just the beginning of the manga to the end. But she is glorious 100%. every. time.   1 reply
15 06,2021
When every chapter ends with a cliffhanger. Like why even my brainless hobby trying to give me stress?   reply
11 days
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It’s a storytelling problem, not an audience problem. It’s the author’s job to get us, the audience, to care about the sex. Authors’, or whoever, are just making lazy storytelling decisions. Using the talent of the artist showing graphic sex to carry the story, instead of good storytelling getting the audience invested.   2 reply
12 05,2024
21 10,2020
Yikes my dude! You really decided to throw yourself to the sharks huh? If you’re really not understanding why so many people here are being so harsh..... consider this, you’ve essentially used the identity of a oppressed minority as a gimmick for your story. And not only are you perpetuating a dangerous and harmful belief about the LGBTQ+ com......   reply
21 10,2020
I get intoxicated on the blood of my enemies and dance with bloodlust.   reply
13 05,2021
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10 days
I think this is just another AI troll guys. *makes shooing gestures* Go on. Go back to robot hell.   reply
10 days
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Isn’t it her father and the royal trash who kidnaps people to blame like the usual?   1 reply
19 05,2024
”what does it matter who or what I am? Your not leaving here Ɇł₮ⱧɆⱤ ₩₳Ɏ”   1 reply
01 06,2021
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TW: car crash and description of serious injury. I have a relative who is a police officer. He told a story about a guy that wasn’t wearing a seatbelt and got thrown out the windshield of the car he was in. He hit the ground so hard his penis burst. ….Yes burst, as in it literally popped like a balloon. PSA: wear a seatbelt.   reply
24 07,2021
29 05,2024
Because the internet doesn’t like sincerity. Because to be sincere you need to care and to care is to be vulnerable and to be vulnerable is to show weakness and weakness causes people to lash out or try to make it go away. Because weakness scares people. It reminds them of their own weakness.   reply
29 05,2024
about question
Good for you! Vent all you want because you’re allowed to and it’s healthy. Most of the people on this website I’m guessing aren’t mature enough to even be reading the manga here anyway. I beg you to ignore the dipshits that aren’t mature enough to meet you on the level of seriousness you deserve. What you feel is valid and understand......   1 reply
28 04,2021
I think there comes a point in almost every child’s life where they start realizing that their parents are ‘people’. As in, that they have flaws and make mistakes just like everyone else, and that’s normal. With your situation I first wanna say one thing. NO ONE, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, has the right to put their hands on you in anger or otherw......   reply
15 02,2020
about question
Before I fell asleep this ran through my head and it was so clear and random that I wrote it down half-asleep. The Road The Road is blocked The Path The Path is gone The Line The Line is cut The Way There is no Way but Through ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I dunno where I read that to pop up like it did. It might be cos I ate a fortune cookie before han......   1 reply
27 04,2021
about lmao
It….really depends on how this convo went down. Because personally I’d play the ‘did you know this was a thing!?’ card. Like when you stumble onto a weird niche on the webs and can’t not ask someone else about it. Or like when you’re in middle school and your friends tell each other about fake STIs’ in hopes they’ll Google fu it and......   reply
06 09,2023
1. DONT BE ALONE WITH THIS GUY 2. It doesn’t matter if he’s the saint of rainbows & puppies. His feelings aren’t more important than yours or your SAFETY. 3. He makes you uncomfortable. Trust that. You have the right to feel that way. There is a REASON you feel that way. 4. The things he’s talking to you about are SUPER inappropriate. You�......   reply
21 days