White Dragon Lily's answer (7)
I have some as long as you don't mind M/M romance and if we're talking actual books
Onley James has some pretty good ones I really like the Necessary Evil's series at least one ml in the book is a psychopath and serial killer.
K.M Neuhold has the mafia bound series that wasn't to bad either.
L Eveland Wayward Sons series has been really good ......
1 reply
7 hours
It depends if it's my mom then she wouldn't care heck she would probably read some of it if given the chance as we typically have the same taste when it comes to books. If it was my dad though he would go ballistic and give birth to old McDonald's farm.
10 06,2021
Welp I landed in purgatory.
15 12,2020
Yes I do. Most of the time the novel is way better than the manga or at least it updates a whole lot quicker than the manga. As for favorites I have read nearly 200 novels and most of them were really good so I'm just going to list some that left a big impression on me to the point I had to reread. I'm on a bl kick right now so the majority of thes......
18 12,2020
8-9 years I think I started reading on kiss manga and came here for any manga that I could not find or was miss ordered. Then kiss manga got shut down and this became my main.
19 07,2023
For me it's a tie. First we have Jiraiya from Naruto he started off as such a gag character but he just quickly grows on you. His death destroyed me I cried for hours after his death and to this day I still feel sad thinking about it. The other is Portgus D Ace, his death was an absolute shock and it hurt so bad I cried through the rest of the epis......
13 12,2020
Either asexual or demi still unsure at this point.
06 12,2020