pokezejello's answer (3)

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He killed himself after I broke up with him and we stopped living together. I had to inform the cops, landlord, his dad, his employer....this happened last year, Fathers Day, June.....he cut himself up. I became an alcoholic for about 8 months, drinking a gallon of cheap vodka every day and a half. I wanted to die so badly. I wanted to be with him ......   1 reply
26 06,2017
Every time I see my father I just want to beat the shit out of him, stab him as much as possible and then slit his throat. I would sever his head, put it on a pole and wait for my mother to get home. I'm sick of both their fake asses and their abuse. And I'm not even a fucked up person, I just can't stand bad people. Another one would be that......   1 reply
02 07,2017
I have no idea honestly. I'm an adult female. I've dated gay men before.....I've dated a few women(a made out with a looooot more) but they weren't into women, they were just dating me because it got them attention. I just don't care about gender and stuff like that. Right now I'm fooling around with this Korean guy though. I'd like to be with a g......   2 reply
02 07,2017