Sanr's answer (13)

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One thing I don't like which is also a COMMON to the community is when the ML is horrible like just plain horrible, but people would forgive him and ignore all the things he did just becuz hes handsome. LIKE HELLO?? GET YOUR MIND RIGHT THAT DUDE AINT GOOD. One of the examples is Claude from wmmap   3 reply
13 07,2024
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Guys don't like me still hits hard for me. A classic back then and still today, I LOVE IT   reply
13 07,2024
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I lied about being so productive in life, im literally the most laziest person you'll ever meet   reply
24 10,2024
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hear me out okay?? IT MAYBE BE WEIRD but it just has that yk thing   1 reply
24 10,2024
about question
Okay so first thing that we have to point out is that the ML and FL SUCKS no cause even though the ML was cheating on her she had no clue so then if she kissed her student that she 'kept on blushing' aka LIKED , thats cheating so in conclusion both the ML and FL are trash honestly whoever made that kind of manhwa idk if your brain is aright cause c......   reply
13 07,2024
about question
Sanr 21 07,2024
Okay uhh first of all DAMN thats one weird dream but anyways I had this dream where basically I was back to being a kid?? I looked like 7-9 years old and I was with my cousin walking in our neighborhood and all of a sudden my cousin lets go of my hand and immediately my surroundings become a foggy FOREST. I was scared but I kept on walking and walk......   1 reply
21 07,2024
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Im a highschool student and well uhh currently Im drowning in school works and projects, and not to mention theres this annoying guy that keeps on pestering me   1 reply
09 12,2024
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Im currently listening to pages by WIMY It's honestly a good song if you like soft tunes or artists like w2e and laufey (⌒▽⌒)   reply
23 10,2024
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Uhhh maybe you just need to find the perfect omega? ╥﹏╥   2 reply
23 10,2024
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HII I'm sanr and when I was kid, my sister hated me so much she tried to kill me many times by either drowning, pushing me into a busy road, pushing me off a cliff and etc!! Oh and I bought sour patch kids (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)!   1 reply
23 10,2024
about question
I really don't get why they would hate on like a good work even though they know it's really good they'll still hate on it because of what's happening in the fandom like?? Cant you just separate the two things then, its either you enjoy the show and dont interact with the fandom or you enjoy it and interact with the fandom.   1 reply
15 07,2024
about question
Irl me! :3   reply
15 06,2024