cats loml's answer page 2 (33)

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move to heaven!   1 reply
05 06,2024
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  1 reply
04 08,2024
tbh... like rarepairs r weird but still i love being delusional with my ships   reply
17 08,2023
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cats loml
18 06,2024
personally think it’s mid. maybe not for me but i LOVE mizisua. clematis changed me idk how many times ive watched round 1 its just so perfect. Mizisua the better couple. i love mizisua i think i love mizisua idk maybe i love mizisua??? mizisua solo that ivantill FLOP!!! jk i like ivantill i guess dni if youre ivan from alien stage though   reply
18 06,2024
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return of the mount hua sect ️️ i love my husband cheongmyeong kono oto tomare !!!! and once more, hibi chouchou, yubisaki to renren   reply
27 08,2024
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cats loml
06 03,2024
back 2 u by nct 127, ANY RED VELVET SONGS, starry night by fromis_9, hush hush by fromis_9, escape room by fromis_9, love is around by fromis_9, DO YOU THINK IT MAKES SENSE BY BTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! just listen to bts’s old discography ong   1 reply
06 03,2024
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IVANTILL . bro usually id eat up one sided ships but ivan pisses me off so much and just ugly... the pure rage i felt everytime i see a post about him.So glad his ass is dead safe space for shumika..? i think their dynamic is great but i dont fw them as a ship. Also ritsumao because i love ritsu. LAWLU and HANLU I REALLY WANT TO K!LLMYSELF INFRON......   3 reply
20 10,2024
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ensemble....stars....   1 reply
06 09,2024
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never beating the loser allegations even irl   reply
15 06,2024
seek help   reply
15 09,2023
feels like i’ll be slightly extroverted if i were a man.   reply
25 08,2024