LotusJuice's answer (6)

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The love triangle. The unrealistic triangle that causes extra problems. Like Inuyasha all those love triangles that caused filler episodes for no reason. They were really annoying and make you hate the characters.   reply
01 07,2017
See...Marriage is expensive. And with how big divorce rates are becoming, nope also it just not something I see myself wanting to do.   reply
29 07,2017
01 09,2017
Communication is key to keeping a stable relationship. Never think that you have to give something from your loved love. Trust eachother and always be able to talk to eachother.   reply
07 07,2018
I'm an S, I have moments where I love to be in control but I don't mind my significant other trying to have control sometimes....but rarely will I allow that.   2 reply
19 06,2017
about penpals
Hai I'm from US Im turning 19 next week and I don't mind talking to more people that have the same interest it's actually kinda fun. My discord is Kil Akechi#5777   reply
05 11,2018