K-chii's answer (4)

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simple solution: just don't date them, no matter what u think how well it might go   reply
04 05,2021
Q: What's your earliest memory? A: uh...story time.. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 when I was small we went camping all the time with friends and and we had a huge tent with a tv in the middle of all of our tents (was also where everyone was eating together).. one day i was on the way there with a girl around my age, and the 2 dogs of her family were kinda gua......   reply
10 08,2023
Mafumafu ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ would probably be funny   reply
04 07,2018
I think any normal anatomy-book would be good. Like.. learn the basics first, afterwards you can start to change the body so that it makes you own style. But NEVER forget the basics. and to make it easier use simple forms (like circles, boxes...) at the sketch for the body. I also recommend to do some 5-10min sketches. just fast scribbles to get th......   reply
09 10,2017