Todayless's answer (10)

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about question
block the person on social media and ignore any news relating to them. if your friends try to give you information about them, stop them before they can. trust me, when I say; remove all contact with the person you are cutting ties from. and in real life, just ignore them if you don't feel comfortable talking to them, you owe no one but yourself th......   reply
14 06,2021
09 06,2021
I kind of went all out, but that is to be expected with me. I made four (4) male characters and although I would have loved to make female characters to bring along with this group, I had to settle with what I had. They are a group of friends who have grown together through the hardships they have overcome and the ability to understand, protect and......   reply
13 03,2021
Todayless 27 08,2023
you are more worried about their characteristics ie blond hair and blue eyes but not the fantasy aspect that is often brought into those manwha... like do you also question the blue-haired pink eyes thing? the black-haired purple eyed character?   reply
27 08,2023
Todayless 16 04,2024
No, I'm not embarrassed at all and I don't think any girl should be either! I feel like most females should, to some degree, feel thankful and happy that they have their periods as it means the body is properly regulating itself. AND I understand the pain of it, trust me, and the constant "am I leaking" fear (my biggest struggle in public) but I te......   reply
16 04,2024
about question
yes. yes, i do feel like people are stupider/dumber.   reply
04 04,2024
about question
law... i am doing law and i feel like i am in hell. like i knew what i was getting into but man its tough. you need good grades, extracurricular, and work experience as if the uni work load isn't enough but seeps.   reply
24 05,2024
i got dragonfruit !!   reply
04 05,2024
about question
officially created this account in 2017 but was reading without one (using the bookmarking system on chrome) before. been here for a long time   reply
25 04,2024
about question
the two hairstyles i tend to wear now that I grew my hair out. however, my hair is more like a shag... but a long shag. also the change in fringe might seem drastic but that is how my hair is cut, like I sometimes wear it out as curtain bangs or just use the short part of my bangs.   reply
23 05,2021