im so sorry for the experience u went through. the paralysis is real and whoever blamed u for not speaking up are the real assholes.
honestly i can't remember anything like what everyone wrote. sure i've gotten acts of kindness and stuff. my bag given to me by strangers after it fell to the ground or things like that but i dunno. i feel like im al...... 1 reply
if u have a native language other than english i suggest u take advantage of it lol. mine means coconut bunch in my language. its just a funny way to say 'bullshit' where i live. reply
I would be an psychotic assassin by night and the detective genius who investigates them by day.BTW I ALSO HAVE SUPERPOWERS(ooo and the bunny is my accomplice. reply
I think Op and everyone replying is forgetting something
guys this a manga site filled with yaoi yuri and some god forsaken shit(orc's bride im lookin atchu_)
why is op complaining that someone used the site as it was sposed to be used.
Like damn sis not all people who read JINX are mma fighters who wanna h...... 3 reply
did not see anyone mentioning Jasmine in here. yall r sleeping on it. strong scent of jasmine would have me huffing them like a vape lmao
second maybe like the smell of the ocean? reply
My ex who broke up with me. I'd like to tell him i still love him but he's a year ahead and he's leaving so.
worst part is his friend and i are close and he told me there was 100 percent chance of reconciliation 2 reply
Uhm just them.
partly the reason why i cannot watch the avenger movies anymore.
even without the ship. these 2 were my fav chars and aargh i just cant go back to the avenger movies because i am in PAIN reply
i had my not like other girls phase a few years ago. BRO I WANNA KMS WHEN I REMEMBER THE SHIT I DID. nvm now i am not like other girls. im lonely and have no best friends uwu
ps satire in last line ok except for the no best friends part reply
guys one more thing. im a full time student i cant do jobs like working at some place and all. i damn wish i could. this is an impossible conundrum i know. anything that can be done online 3 reply
fr tho im really hoping it works out for me this year 2024 was such a shitshow. i was in therapy and suicidal.
hope 2025 is going to be a good year for all u thirsty hoes reply
I'd be a mage and researcher. Ill be like the trump card who is not willing to help cos they lazy but eventually falls for female mcs charm and goes to war and then dies but my death would be like the thing that ends the war like not male mc's moves but mine reply