venom_234's answer (2)

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about question
venom_234 24 06,2024
Brother…pornhub is easier to access than this, they don’t even have an agreement thing (unless u sign in ig) and PH has had a problem with ACTUAL PEOPLE being sex trafficked and raped, or CP. let’s worry about the REAL people that are forced into porn rather than drawings (not that drawing CP is great, but I’d rather someone draw it than ac......   reply
24 06,2024
about cosplay
U wanna know something? The people who write bl manga/hua…etc are literally Asian women and men, and ik non Asian ppl read said stories, but they didn’t write them. Also not saying it’s right, but this “issue” is the least of my concerns going on in the world today. I’d rather focus on worrying about the wars that are happening than pp......   1 reply
30 07,2024