parfait (๑˃ᴗ˂)'s answer (20)

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Jinx. I’m gonna have a whole ass training arc and fight jaekyung and win (idk how, but it’s gonna happen. trust.) and then beat up kim dan as a side quest, in fact, I’d fight every character regardless.   3 reply
11 06,2024
about question
One of my best works   4 reply
04 03,2024
about question
Levi Ackerman, don’t rlly have a reason tbh i just don’t like him (=゚ω゚)ノ   3 reply
08 09,2024
about question
Sometimes when you read a lot of the same copy and paste shoujo child manhwas: “the cold Duke is adopting me! He’s so scary! He says he’s gonna kill me when im 18!” And then the Duke dotes on her and whatever, I really just wanted to see one that was different. One where the kid actually dies and then the Duke just starts falling into depre......   5 reply
11 12,2024
about laziness
Someone’s always gotta ruin it ∑(´△`)?! some of you guys are crazy! Love u all   4 reply
04 12,2024
about question
Anything with smut in the beginning chapters. It’s genuinely such a jumpscare!! Or when a manhwa/ga that looks like it wouldnt contain smut at all, randomly posts a smut chapter Some would die for smut on this site but im not that big of a fan.. (unless the plot is fire)   reply
13 days
about question
also gonna wish you a good luck ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ nothing much we can do about it now, so let’s jusy hope you can atleast get a grade that is acceptable on your terms o.O   reply
25 08,2024
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I want this talent   reply
27 08,2024
These are so much more fun than back then for some reason   2 reply
08 06,2024
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I personally don’t like the ones you get from ice cream trucks, honestly just straight cardboard. However the ones you find in supermarkets, like the cornetto brand have cones that are really tasty and the added chocolate layer on it says a lot But overall I would prefer to have my icecream in a tub if I were to buy it from a truck   1 reply
15 06,2024
about question
Learn how to do the worm so that people woulf wanna be ur friend instantly once u show them those sick moves   reply
19 10,2024
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As a mermaid I usually use the atlantis airport and comfortably enjoy it as the clownfish amuse me!! But I personally avoid the siren airlines. These sirens are some of the worst hostesses I’ve ever seen!! ٩(๑`^´๑)۶   1 reply
24 11,2024
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I have a good social life AND I love manhwas, what is there not to like?(⺣◡⺣)♡   reply
23 days
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we aint stopping   reply
03 01,2024
I love dr stone   reply
08 01,2025
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Someone promoted killing stalking on tiktok around 2021 and I thought, wow I should try this! And looked for the site in the comments. I am proud to say I am no longer interested in those kind-of manhwas !   reply
4 days
I don’t want to be that kind of person, but for me, depression kind of just went away for me. *and yes, I have been diagnosed with depression after multiple attempts on my life and refusing to even get out of my bed, for various reasons. (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Everyone’s experience with depression is different, in my case a large change of environme......   reply
17 08,2024
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This is actually me   3 reply
03 03,2024
about question
I plan on having a galentine with friends :p   reply
03 02,2024