´༎ Confusionisiscinism´༎'s answer page 1 (179)

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No kids, Don't treat mental illness as a cool thing and claim it for aesthetic.   1 reply
12 07,2021
Mangago is the only one who is keeping me sane this days.   reply
21 07,2021
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This is her latest post, idk why am I even on tweeter Here are one of retweets. Here is Two faced pep   5 reply
13 07,2021
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I'm just gonna install Twitter real quick. Update: read the half of it but I am hungry now so people of mangago let's eat.   1 reply
13 07,2021
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That's embarrassing, just imagine getting hard on public and your d!ck just WATCHU KNOW BOUT ROLLIN DOWN IN THE DEEP. Or your choice of sound. WHAT IF YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE AND IT JUST RANDOMLY MAKE A SOUND? "UwU"   2 reply
13 07,2021
Damn. Y'all trust your cameras and microphones that much?   2 reply
22 07,2021
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All of us, if you don't have issues with your parents you are no humans   2 reply
03 07,2021
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"No one actually remember you, no one is aware by your existence, so do everything to fullfil your wishes to live. Wether it's embarrassing or a bold thing, Do it. " Yeah, so uhh from a book?   1 reply
22 07,2021
What the heck, 35 % I WAS CALLED MYSOGYNIST what did I even do bad, I am not even a guy, Now I am searching on my past if I ever did sumthin like that ಥ‿ಥ   reply
16 07,2021
You just want attention ~ You don't want my heart~ Shamnaning shamning sabalanduu~   reply
19 07,2021
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I think most of us already have a list so the only problem now is where the heck are we gonna read all of this if in case the site is taken down.   reply
13 07,2021
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My grandfathers grandfather ate a japanese soldier because they are in the middle of the war and he specifically told me that the soldiers butt tasted the best.   1 reply
23 07,2021
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When it is spelled right, but sounds and looks wrong.   reply
24 07,2021
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I just wanna say that dumb tweets are all they are throwing.   reply
13 07,2021
19 07,2021
I mean if you gonna give me a reasonable price, I would, it's not that hard, I loose interest pretty fast so yeah.   reply
18 07,2021
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I need more (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ Btw, I read all the tweets And most of it is absurd, I mean you got the reason why you should complain but they are turning a blind eye about what their author did.   reply
13 07,2021
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They got a point and don't have one. It's in the middle, my brain can't handle this.   reply
13 07,2021
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Shout   1 reply
09 07,2021