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idfc if no one says shit i just need to get this out anyways.

that Oi Oi Oi audio trendin rn has made me reminisced my darkest times on the internet. n this shit was PRE-covid times.
i remember, in my ripe ol’ wee days, i had discovered this audio. i was a big anime weebo back at the time, and was watchin mha. i had come across the oi oi oi audio, and to my interest, i was… obsessed. i was OBSESSED. the voice, the roughness all of that you name it. i would have that shit on REPEAT. every-time it finished in my camera roll, id scroll back to the beginning, unphased. i came across the app called, capcut. capcut, we all love capcut don we? well, using 69% of my brain, i managed to make over an hour of the oi oi oi sound, repeat over, and over, and over again. i would listen to it whilst i was in the car.

then, another bakugou audio had risen.. an audio not much know of.. the teddybear audio.
whilst in the reminisced of the past, i had suddenly thought of that other audio, and to my horror, i remember what i would do. it was worse than the oi oi oi audio. it was the, “THATS MY TEDDYBEAR” audio i would have that on on REPEAT on capcut. i would put my headphones on (earphones wtv the old apple ones, only one side worked) and i would sit in the middle between the 2 passenger seats, between 2 adults, my mother and aunt. and i had that playing, it was ripe night and all i had blasting in my ears was the godforsaken audio. and every time that 1 hour had finished, i would, sneakily, rewind all the way, without anyone knowing. (the video was just a bit off) and i would listen to that the whole journey.

and thats not the worst of it,

i imagined.. things, whilst listening to that audio, i listened and listened and then perfected it.

i would imagine the UA battle training ground shit, it was deku vs bakugou, it was villain deku, and i wasnt so sure on my lore but i do recall bakugou shouting “YOUR MY TEDDY BEAR!” when deku was in chains as he got caught for being a villain, trying to kill bakugou. however, bakugou would run over and shout “THATS MY TEDDYBEAR” again in defence of deku, despite the killer he had for him. theres more to it, but i shame to wear a heart so white with evidence like this making it dull again. im sorry, i just had to get this out of my brain.

i was curious today, and i tried finding the teddybear audio however, no luck. it has been erased off the archives, never to be found again. maybe thats for the better.
19 05,2024
about question
like i accidentally put a specific someone on spam, by accident, n now i gotta check manually every damn time to see what they msg me bc they a lonely bitch, how do you UNSPAM someone??
26 11,2023
ima b honest w yall. i was sucking my arms n shit (who doesnt) and i realised it looked bruised and i was like what in tarnation n i jst kept going all over until i fucking realised i was giving myself hickeys (taking self-love to the next level) they were faint at first but now bro they are purpley-pink shit im wearing a t-shirt so this shit is jst advertised n all but how the fuck do i get rid of them google ain giving me shit n it ain working so if yall had any methods.. please share it w ya gyal.
18 10,2023
yall gon see the fnaf movie?>!!?!?! im gon go see it today in like 2 hours time, i made my sister catch up w the lore w a 80 slide presentation i made
25 10,2023
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just out of curiosity for those severely traumatised and know what im talking about, how old were you when u watched that shit
15 01,2024
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yo osama bin ladin is arab not afghan you fuckers dont tie afghans into 9/11 no more, im tired of people calling him my uncle, my uncle is way prettier than him i bet he dont even wash bro let alone he prob got some ingrown toe nails i can just picture it i ain ready for skl tmrw im gon get ransacked
10 09,2023
about question
like you lot were always on point to talk about random shit but anyways, weird ass stuff be happenin in the world right now w diddy and its wayyyy WAYYY WAYAYWYAYWAYYYYY bigger than you all think. so let me put you all on game.

tupacs, michael jackson, biggie, left eye, aaliyah - all their deaths are linked to the big man diddy himself. like how they findin 6 tunnel routes from diddy’s mansion linkin up to mjs home or the fact he hired a 1mil hit on tupac because he got jealous of his fame??

OR HOW MOST GRAMMY WINNERS ALLLWAYS always congratulate beyonce when she ain even the one winnin??? like the whole scene w kanye interrupting taylor to give beyonce a ‘shout-out’ turned out to be him actually saving her??? lizzo genuinely lookin frightened on stage or adele crying because she knew and she she had to save herself?? N WHEN WENDY GOES “guess who’s jealous of adele… BEYONCE.” diddy mentioned to her during her show that he met her son backstage, when he WASNT allowed to at all and choked up that poor woman, which frankly, one of the few times she was speechless.


AND AND NOT EVEN THAT JUSTIN BIEBER BEING A WHOLE ASS VICTIM WHEN HE WAS YOUNGER??? FOR 48 HOURS. 4 8 H O U R S. BEING PASSED AROUND W MEEK MILL BEIN INVOLVED. ANDN THE WHOLE YUMMY MUSIC VIDEO “yummy.. yummy… YOUNG ME…” and the behind the scenes??? dont get me wrong, hella sad that shit but i still dont like him.

kendrick also hinting this shit in ‘not like us’??

the song “she knows” j cole knew smth
-> she knows = sean knowles…

honestly this shit is killing me inside and its so fucked how its only NOW rising to the surface and its not even ALL OF IT.. this mofo diddlin kids!
3 hours
i know its fucking easy but i learnt this shit years ago and for some reason my teacher puts it as a cheeky assignment like hello no heads up?? its all like graphs w the mean range median shit but yeah, help gyal out its due in for tmrw and this isnt even all the questions - ill attach images of the work in the comments
19 09,2023
bro quadratics are easy n shit i know but im having a massive brain fart and the steps im doing just dont work for me no more I NEED HELP BRO basically one of the many questions is (ill link it on photos) and basically i gotta use the formula “factorising to solve quadratic equations of the form a
16 09,2023
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im quite famous around here for telling people to do my hw n all but the day has come that i do the test, tomorrow, friday, 13 october i will be having THE test. i have a shit headache too since i saved a pigeon that fell infront of me and took it too the vet (had a nasty ass wound) and cried while taking it cuh i jst love animals n shit and i really didnt want it to die and nyways im not bothered to study or revise, i mean not not bothered like i dont know where or how to start but for the lovagod does anyone have any tips to get into the math grind - i need to ace this test. IT IS A MUST. anyone got tips n tricks (its quadratics u9 n i dont even know how to do that complicated long factorise shit so i wanted to start w that but this shit ain working out for me so lemme somadat memorisation tricks n shit ion fucking know.)
thanks in advance babes
12 10,2023
06 12,2023
seeing the other question made me think this, are yalls flow heavy?? like its a genuine question bc i refuse to believe some yall out here b bleedin a streak amount when im out here bleedin fucking gallons in less than 2 hours i thought everyone was as heavy as mine, hell i gotta wear like 7 thick ass pads stacked on top of each other just to make sure it don leak, A NAPPY TOO. A FUCKING PERIOD NAPPY, ain complainin caus they comfy as shit but still. this is why im weak af, im losing too much blood than others tell me i ain alone in this
06 12,2023
about question
i myself got a star-wars based one ill add it down what was yalls inspos??
04 11,2023
yo, in real life situations and fictional, what if your a married couple in a home - hell not even married, what if your a friend or dating or friends w benefits ANYTHING JUST alone the 2 of you. so you go to the toilet and you shit and usually shits r really loud and stinky, what if ur partner wanna use the toilet next. what would the thoughts be of that massive stank in there, bc even if you use the spray it doesnt get rid of the smell completely. HECK, IT COULD EVEN MIX W THE SHIT SMELL AND PRODUCE A NEW ODOUR EVEN WORSE THEN THE FIRST. same goes for pissing, whenever i piss that shit ECHOS through the house, ESPECIALLY WHEN ITS MAD QUIET OR THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT NOTHING BUT *tssTSTsssSTs* WHAT WOULD THE CONVOS BE?? WOULD THERE BE CONVOS?? HOW WOULD YOU REACT GOING IN?? HOW WOULD YOU SEE THEM REACT GOING IN?? JUST. unsolved questions
07 08,2023
please tell me you guys also watched him or else this question is real awkward. MAN that was literally an ending i couldve never asked for more of. I’m honestly heart-broken that is the last episode of the series, crazy ive been watching him for more than 10+ now, seems like yesterday i just watched the death of his first dog gregory i was also hoping for a lil reunion aswell, bringing back squid, choochoo, mumbojumbo, ank, amylee, longbo and even l for lee, man what a childhood. i honestly thought hitthetarget would get a redemption arc but at the same time, it seemed too far-fetched, too sudden - this was the best ending anyone couldve asked for. thanks stamps. did anyone else watch it?? or was it just me reminiscing my past
21 10,2023
about question
what are the symptoms you got w daddy issues bc my sister b saying i got that shit, when i clearly do not (??) i know what daddy issues are but its more than one thing so someone lend ya gyala hand
06 09,2023
23 09,2023
it was night time and i was coming back from school (no idea why it was night) it was also pissin it doon out here (raining fucking hard mb) and on my street across i saw a fucking shrek shop that had opened and there was a massive shrek forehead w his ears and i was like i can go home a little later so i cross the road and enter the shrek shop and oh my god i remember everything so vividly, on the windowsill there was shrek merchandise and where the door was on the wall beside it was a cabinet w these dinsey glass figures which are real shit placed in my dream and then a lady walked in with what i thought was a dog at first but later found out it was a cat, and i was like no way u guys are new here right, a shrek shop is insane, and she was like yeah haha blabblabla and started explaining the fucking history of shrek. then i went to the disney glass figurines and i was like no way u sold these here, and they are so cheap compared to other places?!? one was £26 and that was a fucking bargain since most prices are over £100 and she was like yeah haha n i was like ill come back here later and buy one for my sister when its her birthday (true story, we went to a place that sold these irl and she said when it was her birthday i should buy one) and then she gestured to sit me down on this fucking beautiful white coach but i was drenched w rain so i was like nah its fine ill sit on the floor so i moved the carpet away and sat and she continued explaining her origin or sm shit and then she asked me to keep her dog/cat thing still while she went to clean the glass figurines since the dog/cat liked the shiny things and then i found out it was a cat bc it was smooth slim and yk not a dog. and then for some reason, (i have no idea how it lead to this point) but i was all of a sudden hiding behind the store door when my father came in (im not in contact w him and hes been stalking me ever since ive started school and its scary how he also found me in my dreams bro) and i was hiding behind the door and his scary ass face peeked quickly behind the door to where i was and the dream ended there with me waking up questioning reality it self.
16 09,2023
please give a moment of your time to read this, i know its long, i know its boring. if no one replies, if no one shares i dont care. even if one person anonymously skim read it, that would be more than enough for me. please, do share whatever you know. it will help. believe me, even if its not enough for the goverments to be unblinded by their greed for power, its the civilians that matter. allow people to know the truth.

on 17th of october 2023, an explosion took place in the parking lot of the courtyard of Al-ahli arab hospital in gaza city, resulting in a large number of fatalities and injured among displaced palestinians seeking shelter there.

6 hours ago, every phone line was cut in gaza, not a single person can be reached out. This as Israel drops it’s heaviest bombs yet tonight and threatens to bomb the largest hospital there.

2 hours ago, the skies lit up in terror. intense bombing in nothern gaza as israeli military bombed yet another hospital, having many people being treated there, mothers, fathers, children everyone.

for almost three weeks now, palestinian civilians in gaza have endured relentless bombing by israel from air, land and sea. thousands killed, lying dead amongst destroyed residential buildings, mosques, bakeries - you name it. parents are writing children’s names on their arms to identify their future remains. many are having sleepless nights in the open air, as airstrikes continue overhead.
Nowhere is safe in Gaza.
Israels use of explosive weapons with wide-area effects in densely populated areas has caused extensive damage to civilian infrastructure and loss of civilian lives that, by all appearances, is difficult to reconcile with international humanitarian law.

People forced into shelters in increasingly dire conditions; overcrowded, with poor sanitation and unsafe drinking water, bringing forward the specter of disease outbreak. 2.2 Million people locked inside gaza are being collectively punished.

At least 3,038 palestinian children in gaza have been killed in israeli attacks since october 7. According to the palestinian ministry of health, with more than 6,000 injured. At least 940 children children are reported missing under the rubble of destroyed buildings

On october 26, the ministry of health released the names, ages, and national identification of 6,747 palestinians killed in gaza between occt 7 and 26. the list did NOT include 281 unidentified victims.

An additional 248 killed palestinian children remain unidentified

25 palestinian children have been killed in the occupied west bank since oct 7.

There were at least 76 documented attacks on health care in gaza as of oct 23. 20 hospitals and 24 ambulances have been damaged, at least 16 healthcare workers have been killed and 30 more injured. 12 out of the 35 hospitals in gaza are no longer operational due to damage from israeli airstrikes and shelling/or evacuation order.

Since October 11 at 2 p.m. Gaza has experienced a full electricity blackout after Israeli authorities cut the electricity and fuel supply on October 7 and the Gaza Power Plant depleted its reserves, according to UN OCHA.

At least 45 percent of all housing units in the Gaza Strip have been damaged or completely destroyed since October 7.

Two weeks after Israel cut off food, water, electricity and fuel from Gaza, international efforts resulted in approval for the entry of 20 aid trucks from the Rafah crossing on October 21. Since then, a total of 74 trucks carrying humanitarian aid have been allowed to enter Gaza through the Rafah crossing, according to UN OCHA. The trucks have included food, water, and medical supplies. Israeli authorities have not permitted fuel to be included in the deliveries.

Prior to October 7, an average of 500 trucks entered Gaza daily to provide relief to Palestinians. Zero humanitarian aid trucks entered Gaza between October 7 and 20.

the world has failed gaza, we have forgotten humanity, it is sickening that people support this massacre and genocide and can sit in their homes and totally ignore everything. we are lucky enough to wake up tomorrow, we are lucky to have a shelter, we are lucky to be provided warm food and fresh water, as much as this has been repeated throughout your life: be grateful. think about it. and for those who remain ‘neutral’ to this mass genocide, those who support it, you will wake up tomorrow with their blood on your hands.

palestine has been defending themselves recently, hamas to be exact. and as controversial this may come, hamas is being villainised. hamas is helping palestine.
biden, ipoc, everyone is going against them. but i support hamas, even though they are terrorists, they are defending palestine, they are attacking israel military fleets. they are the only ones offering actual help. i dont care what you think, it still wont change my opinion. this war was one-sided, and now palestine is attacking back only to receive more hate and being seen as monsters through media. is this seriously the world we live in today?? its fucking funny. everyone was saying ‘lets not repeat what happened in ww2. holocause n all that shit’ the persecuted are now persecuting. majority of jews know this is wrong, they stand with palestine. However, zionists believe this is the only option. I couldnt give a fuck about ukraine and russia, seriously. theyve got enough countries backing them up. Palestine is where its at, Afghanistan is where its at, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, Somalia. and why? what do they all have in common? they are islamic countries. as much as you deny it, its true, the reason they face this persecution is simple, because they are muslim. Islam is a religion of peace, tranquility yet the media indoctrinates everyone and makes people think its this ruthless religion who oppresses their woman and takes control yada yada. no. its none of that, seriously. What has islam ever done to them?? why do they hate it so much is my question.

media isnt even sharing the truth, the reality of what palestinians are going through.

its heart-breaking, kids are supposed to be in peace, pursuing their dreams through education but facing war and losing their lives & loved ones right infront of their eyes. the world just needs Humanity to speak up, dont need to be a muslim. my heart cant handle this anymore. They are being massacred, ethnically cleansed, bombed relentlessly. hundreds of people alive under the rubble while a lot of families are running for their lives as israel plans to continue to invade gaza.

This not was against terrorism. This is terrorism.
28 10,2023
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I JUST CAME BACK FROM SCHOOL W THIS NEWS IM SO DEVASTATED. HE WAS SUCH A MAN BRO i feared for this very day fly high michael gambon, you were such a man him n mr rickman are now together at the very least
28 09,2023
about question
as we all may or may not know, omegle has now shut down entirely after 14 years. in honour and memory, we all know those who have used the site have seen all sorts of things. ill go first, an extremely traumatising experience was that two men did something called docking, by urban dictionary “a very intimate and intense sexual act performed by two uncircumcised men. Guy one pulls his foreskin back and holds it while guy two stretches his open and outward as far as possible over the head and shaft of guy one's penis.” i was 12 and had unrestricted internet access. whats ur stories?
09 11,2023