Elle ne parle pas francais's question page 1 (31)

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I genuinely check the questions on mangago instead of going on social media.

Anytime I have a few minutes to pass inbetween I do it. Y'all are so unhinged and funny. No social media toxicity, no real life issues, only people talking trash and being cringy
04 01,2024
about question
People who drop spoilers casually, why do you do it?? And I'm not talking about people who put spoiler warnings and are respectful about it, but those people that just drop major events in random posts like????
As someone who hates spoilers so much that I don't watch trailers and the text on the back of a book (can't find the English word, sorry) I want you to know I despise you. I loathe you.
You're ruining the experience for people. Why? Are you just a shitty person or are you too stupid to realize that people out there don't possess the same knowledge you do?

There is a way to handle spoilers and I can appreciate them myself sometimes as well. I know on the internet there's always the danger of being spoilered accidentally and that's not what I'm taking an issue with. It's solely the people who are incapable of basic internet etiquette.
There's a place for spoilers in topics about the specific media. With massive spoiler warnings. If the topic is not specifically that piece of media but you want to make an example, mention the spoiler is for that piece of media. Or just allude to an event so people who know it will recognize what you mean but those who don't, don't.

It's not that hard.
26 02,2024
In my area there's an offer for switch games: pick 3, pay 2. There are few games you can choose from but the new zelda and luigi's mansion do def interest me. The other options are okay too, so it wouldn't be a loss but it's so much money, I don't want to spend it... what should i do?
24 01,2021

This is a masterpiece and it should be mandatory literature in english class.
You don't have to know death note to read it.
Have fun <3
03 04,2024
Is it just me or has the discussion around the usage of those terms COMPLETELY died down?

It has always been widely spread but damn, at least we were talking about it. Now everyone's just using it, no matter what the content is.
Like can we please stop calling fluff BL guys uke/seme????? As if you'd even know how they fuck.... and why do you care
31 03,2024
What old webcomics that y'all remembered to be good ended up being trash upon a reread?
For me it's Caste heaven and Ten Count.
26 04,2024
about question
Today is the finale and I had been looking forward to it since last year... anyone else boycotting it here?
I'm so heartbroken and I need some solidarity.
11 05,2024
about question
I'm currently in the process of catching up with the stuff I read in 2021 and I think I'll stop reading ongoing stuff once I'm done.
It's just that it can get out of hand so quickly and the constant overflow of updates is overwhelming. Every week I'll think "there's ANOTHER update!?!?" even if I like the webcomic.
The thing is, i actually really enjoy the community features like yapping about the last chapters in the comment sections but else it's just so stressful trying to keep up with all the updates and sometimes it feels more like a chore, especially since the chapters are so short and you can't get "in" with that little time.
I guess I'm just a book girlie at heart and prefer reading big chunks at one once over constant little ones.

Anyone else feeling this way?
06 04,2024
about question

Does anyone know an alternate title or where one could read this? I cannot believe no illegal site has this.
This site has criminal ads on Instagram and now i NEED to know what happens next. Like i want to read one chapter more, then leave
31 05,2024
about question
The struggle continues and I'm still not stressed enough and taking it easy ik I'm gonna fail so hard but my brain immediately convinces me I'm a genius and it'll work out.
Pls bully me into studying y'all. IT'S ONLY TWO MORE DAYS AND I'M STILL CHILL.
07 04,2024
about question
Told my friend there's everything on mggo and she asked if there are recipes for Tiramisu on here so help me prove a point lol.
(Also if u have a vegan recipe I'd actually try it)
22 03,2024
about question
Hi, so I have a question about grammar.
In my native language it's considered rude to say "I and my friend" or "me and my friend" as in putting yourself before the friend.
Is it that way in English too? English class didn't teach us about that and I have no idea how to find this in the internet so please help a girl out here!!
03 03,2024
about question
Just finished attack on titan (anime) and I haven't been able to do literally anything for the past six hours. I feel so empty and sad and can't move on.
What do i dooooo
Pls no spoilers in the comments unless you mark it properly <3
23 days
about question
Drop your comfort show/movie my guys, I'm sad and wanna watch something that'll make me happy and warm or even better something stupid I don't have to think about
07 05,2021
Pls y'all just drop any tests you've got
Except for mental health stuff cause that should be going to a therapist
13 07,2021
Hello y'all.
Tell me about books you hate, whether they're popular or not and why that is.
Please avoid spoiling anything or if you do mark it properly.
Let's have a little yapping session ~
02 05,2024
about question
How do people "invent" new usernames!??!
I'm so uncreative, i went by the same username for like 6 years before i changed it to the current one which I've also been using for 2 or 3 years by now.

Now i want to change it and I'm sooo lost. I'm letting chat gpt create names for me. But nothing is particularly good. I really need to change it tho cause irl friends know this alias and I'm redirecting them to mggo all the time and i really don't want them to know it's me.

How do y'all do it?
07 05,2024
about question
Cause I honestly unironically uses a lot. I also leave in a non-english country and we have different slang + english words.
My favs are same, cringe, literally, vibe, salty (it's ok but i dont use it), woke, extra
01 02,2024
about question
I'm absolutely distraught as a webtoon I've been reading apparently is done with a lot of AI. I did not expect it at all but now I'm even thinking about dropping it.
AI art in itself is deeply problematic but as every technology it has some merits. It still is absolute disrespect to artists but in theory I guess there situations it can do good. But using it without any disclaimers is so disgusting. Authors and artists taking the time to hand draw cannot push out the same amount and have a huge disadvantage compared to those who use AI art.
I'm just shocked this is even a thing.
11 03,2024