kazis's answer (3)

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I like neither of them o.o My BL experience started with "Seven days". And after that and some other manga I found JR and SIH err... boring and irritating maybe. And the art style isn't extremely beautiful too... So I agree that these stories are good for the beginning. But I couldn't enjoy them( "Hybrid child" was good though. No hate. Just sharin......   3 reply
18 04,2018
1) I don't know, I've never wanted to be neither a gay man nor a man. Maybe some women are dissatisfied with their lives and they think it's easier to be a man? 2) There're many characters who are annoying - not only fem. Although it seems that fem characters in BL manga are often portrait as the typical shoujo main character, just in man's body. ......   1 reply
14 12,2018
It all started with shoujo ai and manga with crossdressing. I don't know why, but I just love gender bender! And it occurred so that the author of the manga I enjoyed reading that time was writing BL too. So I just gave it a try. And I liked it. So thanks to that author I discovered this beautiful world *-*   1 reply
29 09,2019