Kio's answer page 1 (24)

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I fucking love my cat   2 reply
20 08,2023
I like how it ended out :)   1 reply
10 07,2021
about be lgbtq
Drop that bitch like a sack of shit. She sounds really toxic.   1 reply
30 05,2021
06 06,2021
Mangago > my reading manga. Convince me otherwise. I'll be here waiting   reply
06 06,2021
about question
12 01,2024
Exuse me what, like genuinely what did you think was gonna happen when you posted this. People agreeing with you Like obviously people are gonna be fucking creeped out by rape, big ass age gaps. Acting like its normal to like that shit and excusing it by saying "It's not real, its fiction" like be fr   reply
12 01,2024
Update: Dumping them on Friday, wish me luck. Also I swear I barely scratch the surface in what my soon to be ex is like like genuinely they're such a red flag   5 reply
15 08,2023
19 08,2023
Sometimes, just sometimes. Its better to keep shit to yourself Like maybe, just maybe, you could go outside and feel the touch of another human   reply
19 08,2023
04 08,2023
Meow   reply
04 08,2023
about question
For me it's smoking weed. My mum would genuinely kill me if she knew   reply
16 05,2024
about love yuri
Fun fact. The person with green hair is me and thats my ex bestfriend/crush. I liked her but she never liked me. She was manipulative at times but I still like her. I don't know why tho.   reply
17 06,2021
I had fun making this   reply
23 07,2021
about question
This shit be silly   1 reply
20 08,2023
01 09,2023
01 09,2023
Girl who is it   1 reply
16 09,2023
Well ok   reply
25 07,2023
about question
30 07,2023
Tits all the way   reply
30 07,2023
04 01,2024
2020 YouTube comment section. I don't even remember the context   reply
26 09,2023
about question
18 days
My dad (not biological) used to touch me and call me sexy when I was like 4. When he left cause he thought I (a 4 year old at the time) was too "revealing" and wanted my two older sisters (both with undiagnosed personality disorders + other shit) to be sent into care. This now pisses me off so much as I also have mental illnesses + Autism so him sa......   1 reply
18 days
about question
Screaming about yu gi oh in year 7. Sometimes I zone out and remember the weird shit I did. What makes it worse is I became extra cringe cause I was crushing on a girl who was into that shit at the time   2 reply
20 03,2024