Kio's question (6)

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I've liked this person for two years. Its been an on and off sort of crush and I'm honestly confused. They just told me they have feeling for this girl they've met recently and I'm sad but happy for them. I know that I can't stop them falling in love with someone yet I can't stop myself from loving them. For two years I've watched them grow as a person and they've watched me grow. I've seen them at their worst, at their best while them watching me. I think I've loved them from the start yet confused at my feelings. I want to tell them how I feel yet I also don't. I want more yet I love what we have and don't want to ruin it. Whether or not they get with someone is none of my business as all I care for is their happiness but deep down I just want them to like me as I love them. I want to not feel like this I want to just find someone else I just want to get over it and yet I can't. Idk honest. I just want to get over it and try and be happy for them knowing its painful for me to watch them be happy and it not be me who they're happy with
28 08,2023
Honestly I never knew I could love a human being this much after him. Shes my eveything. Shes my world, my anchor, my life and my best friend. Shes eveything to me. Like words will not being to describe on how much I love her. I genuinely can't see myself in life without her. I actually can't believe I found someone in this lifetime like her. I want her to see the best of me and I want to be better for her. I have never felt so comfortable around anyone like this in a long time and I honestly just love her. The thought of losing her breaks me and the thought of her not being here kills me. Shes the best. I love her. She's my best friend and I love her
01 10,2023
I'm actually wondering this right now. How do people get piss kinks? Do you smell piss and say 'ahh yes, I am now horny' or some shit. I don't know man. Some one gotta tell me how people find out they got a piss kink.
13 06,2021
So today my gf tried to exuse drunk driving/Drinking while driving and I just can't. They honestly keep talking about their bad habits infront of my best friend knowing she delt with that shit and almost died from it. My gf has also exused my trauma and acts like they're the only one dealing with shit. I'm honestly so close to dumping their ass cause all they're doing is being negative. Like ffs, its actually not difficult to be happy for me. Like idk, not difficult to tell me "I'm so happy for you". Like Idk, its just horrible on how they act like they can say shit and not get backlash from it.

Also they get mad when people say "I'm going to jump off a cliff" but legit say shit about their alcoholism to my best friend who almost fucking died from it.
Legit don't fucking know why I'm posting this here but legit just needed to rant
07 08,2023
Honestly so happy I'm single right now. Genuinely should have seen the signs in the beginning and now that we're over they've become 10x worse and honestly I'm so glad I dipped while it wasn't too serious. Like kinda sad about it as I did really like them and saw myself in the future with them but yk. What makes me mad though is that they're lying about me. They're lying about how I am as a person. There's a lot of stuff they're lying about and all of it is really bad but what hits home is that I'm "pro ana." It actually made me cry cause they didn't meet me at my worse, they never watched me recover from an eating disorder that could've killed me. Even with my anorexia I've never been pro ana as I've never promoted eating disorders and always try and help others who have them. But honestly this isn't a surprise from them as they've lied about a bunch of other stuff, the main thing the lied about was their mothet dying so

Wanted to rant about this cause honestly my ex pisses me off, they're a spoilt bitch who can never be happy for others and I'm glad I left them to find someone who will actually love me
19 08,2023
19 08,2023