Saki's question (7)

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about question
I really think westerners should stop reading erotic things from japan because it's fetishizing Asians and Japanese people I see a lot of westerner people go against me on this but it's disgusting and should be stop
03 06,2021
I personally thing foreigners should stop using asian names it's Cultural appropriation and disgusting. if you arent asian and using a japanese name you should be ashamed.
03 06,2021
about question
Saki 03 06,2021
fujos are like the worst species on the planet the fetishize mlm and are just obnoxious and creepy in general and half of them simp for 15/16-year-olds...
any straight white woman should not be reading yaoi it's fetishizing and cultural appropriation so done with these people...
03 06,2021
about question
I don't see why people care about it if you're not making any money off of anything it shouldn't really matter man, people are really fucking stupid these days.
03 06,2021
Saki 02 06,2021
02 06,2021
“What do you mean you’re booked next week?” he takes a long drag of his cigarette, blowing the smoke into your face as he exhales. You cringe and scrunch your face up slightly, “I thought you were going to come with me to Bermuda.”

“You seriously need to stop pretending like I’m your girlfriend,” you sigh, fiddling with one of the loops of your robe, “I’m flattered, but this is my job.”

Megumi was a very dangerous man. He was the boss of a powerful mafia empire, though it was hard to believe when he was so soft around you. Ever since he found you crying in a corner after his men murdered the stranger you’d been hired by for the night, he took you in like a dove with clipped wings. He rented you out every day, sometimes just to sleep beside him and nothing else. It was good money, so you couldn’t complain, but you were also scared to know what would happen if you ever declined his subsequent request.

“Besides, you must be getting a little sick of me, right?” You both let your legs hang off the edge of his beyond king-sized bed, staring out into the city that lit up brightly through his floor-to-ceiling window panes. Shuffling back, you wrapped your thighs around his bare waist to cradle him as you began massaging his back lightly.

He hummed into your touch approvingly, his large muscles releasing the tension, as you kissed his shoulder sweetly. “You’re not a toy,” he said dryly, almost annoyed, but your hands felt so good against him it was hard to keep up, “Just don’t have too much fun while you’re away because I will be booking you for months in advance when you come back.”

“There are still so many things I’d like to try with that body of yours,” his voice was dripping in lust, and you rolled your eyes, knowing he couldn’t see you.

“I think that’s against the rules, but I’ll ask my company anyway,” you wrap your arms around his torso and rest your head in the crook of his neck. “You are my favorite customer.”

“Fuck the company rules. I’ll just buy the company and make my own.” God, he was so childish, a small boy in a big man’s body trying to play catch up. You sensed serious mommy issues with the stone-cold murderer who now nuzzled his nose into your cheek.

“Whatever you say, boss,” you grinned into him before taking a small bite of the meat on his shoulder. He hissed at the feeling, shutting his eyes as more smoke clouded the air.

“Who’s the lucky man stealing you away from me anyway?” He takes one of your arms that’s linked against him and pulls your hand to his lips before kissing it gently.

His breath is hot against your skin, “I dunno, they don’t give me real names to protect their identities.”

You nudged your red slip dress down in a fist. Why did it have to be so fucking windy? You received a piece of large luggage from the mystery man you were now rushing in poor weather to get to, packed full of different outfits, lingerie, and toiletries.

There was a small note that read, “Don’t worry about packing a bag. This should be all you need. He’ll buy anything else if not. Call if you have any questions - Jess.”

You pitied the poor girl who had to fill up what was basically a sex care package along with endless provocative and expensive clothes. But, it made you undyingly eager to meet the man who ordered her to do so.

Finally reaching a tall building in a fancy part of the city, you waved awkwardly at a large man who gated the entrance.

“Umm hi, I’m supposed to give you this,” you reached into your purse to hand out a card that was also provided, with only one word on it, cherry. You assumed it was because you were requested to wear this cherry red-colored dress when you first walked in, but the whole concept felt ridiculous. What a stupid code word, you thought, “escort” would have done the job just fine. He nodded and shuffled to the side, shooting a look to a small woman who was scrolling on her phone absent-mindedly.

“Oh, sorry, you must be Y/N,” you almost choke as she smiles sweetly at you. How did they know your real name? Even Megumi still called you by your escort title.

She ignores your expression and begins leading you to an elevator, taking your luggage for you while doing so. You would usually insist to do it yourself, but your head began to spin as you both were lifted up to a double-digit story level.

The *bring* noise of the door opening snapped you out of your bubble of panic, and you took a deep breath, soothing out your dress with your hands to calm down. “Boss!” her voice echoed in the large penthouse, and your heels clicked loudly against the hardwood floors as you both walked deeper into the entrance.

You nearly gasped when a deep voice appeared behind you, “Thank you, Kate, that will be all for today.”

Turning slowly, you were met with an extremely tall and muscular man, silky black hair messily cascading over his face. Something about him felt so familiar, but you were certain you’ve never met before.

His eyes crawled up your figure slowly with no shame, and you tensed under the intense gaze, holding your hand out to shake abruptly.

“Umm, pleased to meet you, I’m Y/N,” you try to smile, but your eyes are wide as he chuckles darkly in response.

“Don’t tell me you’re shy,” he approached you slowly, like a predator sneaking up to its prey, ready to kill. He took your hand in his, which were so big they practically swallow your grip as he tugged you into his frame. “Do I scare you?”

His breath tickles your neck as he leans down to your level, taking a deep inhale of your scent, your heart threatening to break out of chest. “No,” but your voice betrays you, coming out small and shaky. He pulls back to stare down at you, it’s dark in the room, but his eyes hold a glint of light that dazzles as they analyze you.

“You should be,” he flashes a cocky grin, his pearly white teeth peeking out between his lips, “The man you were with before me, well, I guess you could say we’re not on good terms.”


Your body floods with panic remembering how he ordered to slaughter a man right in front of you simply because he didn’t like the way he chewed his food so loudly. So what would his enemy want with someone like you? Revenge?

“Don’t kill me!” Your eyes shut tightly as the words rushed out, and you could feel his grip soften on your arms. “Kill you? Jesus, what did that idiot do to you,” you slowly open your lids as he sighs in disproval.

“Well—nothing to me, he’s sweet. But, umm, he murdered one of my clients while I was there and— I’m sorry I don’t know you very well. Please forgive me for expecting the worse.”

He processes your statement before wrapping his arms around the small of your back, “Don’t apologize,” he mumbles. “I suppose it’s my fault for him ending up so fucked in the head.”

Confusion is an understatement for how you feel. Usually, you just walk in and go straight to fucking, then pretend to care as men cried into your lap and apologized for finishing too early. This was something entirely new.

“How’d you know my real name?” Your curiosity gets the better of you, as you’re genuinely concerned at a business level for your identity’s sake.

“I have connections. That’s all you need to know, don’t worry so much,” he licks his lips slightly, making you twitch in his arms, “Such a pretty name too, shame you have to hide it.”

“It’s for my protection, something you don’t seem too concerned with,” you couldn’t help but feel frustrated by the way he stared down at you. He held such command and strength in his build. “I would like to know your name. It’s only fair after you went out of your way to expose mine.”

“Toji Fushiguro.”

You gulp loudly. Fushiguro? Surely it was a coincidence.

“Fushiiiiii,” Megumi smiled as you dragged out your words, trying to remember his last name, “Guro, Fushiguro,” he corrected you. You nodded, repeating it back to him, “Fushiguro.” He shook his head lightly in amusement, “I’ll brand it into your ass if I have to. That way, you’ll never forget.”

“Figure it out already? Took you long enough,” Toji watched as shock painted your features.

Brothers? No, he seemed much older. Which meant—

“My son has really taken a liking to you, even skips business meetings to sleep in with you,” he laughs at the thought.

“Your his?”

“Father? Yea, but he’d never admitted it,” he rose a hand up to your cheek, pressing his thumb against it, so your lips puffed out. “I didn’t raise him, left at a young age.”

Everything felt fake. It had to be some nightmare. This was all too weird. You almost felt bad for Megumi. Not only did he have mommy issues but daddy issues too? Your face scrunched up with disgust.

“Kids and mafia don’t really mix well. It wasn’t safe to keep him with me.”

You rolled your eyes at the excuse, even if it was somewhat valid, “That obviously didn’t do shit, the assholes a fucking lunatic.”

His laugh vibrated against you, a burst of authentic and genuine laughter, which made your core shake lightly. “I see why he likes you so much,” he smirked his thumb, now pressing your bottom lip down before sliding it into your mouth, “Such a dirty mouth for such a pretty face.”

You looked up hopelessly as your tongue lapped around his finger, hollowing your mouth before releasing it with a smacking noise from your lips. “Good girl,” he purred, making your legs feel weak, as it took everything in you to stay steady. “Tell me, does my son fuck you good, or do you have to fake it for him?”

You gasped, eyes wide at the comment, looking at his chest to escape his gaze only for him to cradle your chin back up to meet him. “So you have to fake it then,” he shook his head and tsked.

“No, he’s really lovely, it’s just—“

“You don’t want lovely, you like it rough?” His tone is playful as he is enjoying himself a little too much, watching as your eyes spill all the details you’re trying to hide.

You can’t respond, can’t admit that he’s right, and you bite your lip gently to distract you from the way the hands on your back begin to lower. He slides under the silky dress, scooping your ass into his palms as his fingers squeeze, digging into the soft flesh.

“I hope you liked the outfits I picked out for you,” his mouth is at your ear, and you yelp when he bites your lobe gently, “There were so many options. I just bought them all.”

Your arms snake around his neck as he picks you up in one effortless swoop, your legs wrapped around his torso. His lips are demanding against yours, not giving you time to catch your breath as they crash into you.

He tasted like mint and a slight residue of whiskey, making you moan into his mouth as his hand gripped the back of your head to keep you pressed into him. Seconds later, your body hit his mattress, making you thrust up at the harshness, and watched as he tore his tight black teeshirt off of his back. The muscles that stretched the material before were now out for your viewing, and you wished he would let you run your fingers over the stiff peaks that were his abs.

You yelped as he dragged you by your ankles to the edge of the bed, your dress rolling up in the process, exposing the red lace panties you were wearing. His eyes flashed you a feral look, very appreciative of the choice you made out of the unlimited options he sent you. Your hands gripped the waistband of his pants as his hand coaxed your chin up to face him.

“Open your mouth,” he parted your lips with his thumb impatiently, and you were obedient, letting your tongue loll out as you made an “o” shape with your mouth. Your eyes widened when he dropped down to your level, his face inches above yours as he let a string of spit drop into your mouth.

“Now swallow,” he forced your jaw shut with the grip he held on your face, making your cheeks and lips puff out. You gulped him down, batting your eyes innocently, the pulsing in between your legs becoming overly distracting. “Good girl,” the smile he flashed you sent a ripple of heat down your body, and you were prepared to do anything he asked to see it again.

Your hands tugged down on his pants as you lightly pouted up to him, eager to feel stuffed. “You want daddy’s cock in your mouth, huh?”

It wasn’t rare for your clients to have a daddy dom kink, but coming from him? Knowing you were riding his son’s dick almost every day for weeks now? It made your cheeks heat up, something that never happened during your sessions. You were professional, experienced, and never shocked by what was thrown at you. Somehow he made you giddy and flustered like you were reborn under his touch.

You hummed a yes while nodding your head, planting a wet kiss near his v line. “Let’s see if you can take it then.”

You visibly gasped as his thick heavy manhood escaped the prison of his trousers. You almost back away from how intimidating it was but took in a shaky breath, reminding yourself this was your job. He was girthy, with a mind-numbing amount of length, his tip slightly red and swollen as it dripped with precum. You drew a line with your tongue from under the base of his shaft all the way back to his tip until taking him into your warm cavern. He tasted bitter yet sweet on your tongue as you hollowed your cheeks to suction around him, your hands pumping what couldn’t fit in your mouth.

His hand is large enough to almost palm your head as he pushes himself deeper into you, making you gag and form tears as his tip bounces against the back of your throat. “Don’t be shy,” he smirks as he begins to create a pace inside your mouth, “I bet you do this all the time.”

I do, you want to reply, but were too busy vibrating against him with pleas for him to be more gentle, helplessly looking up at him as you dugs your nails into the arms that keep you steady. Feeling generous, he slipped out of you just to watch you gasp for air, hiccuping as you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. “Too big, can’t — can’t fit it,” you flinched as he smacked his cock against your cheek, leaving it wet with the mix of your saliva and his arousal. “I know, but it was fun to watch you try,” he coos before pushing your chest down, your legs are hanging off the end of the bed, and your thighs snap shut in anticipation.

“What’s this? You’re nervous?” He kneels down, so he’s eye level with your panties, which have a growing wet spot that makes his dick twitch. He takes one of your legs and pulls your foot near his face before slipping your heel off, letting it clank against the hardwood floors as it falls. You shut your eyes as he takes your toes into his mouth, sucking them with tortuous licks before moving up to kiss your ankle.

Usually, your time was spent pleasing the man who paid good money to hear your fake moans, but Toji enjoyed savoring every inch of your body, chuckling as he could practically feel a pulse against his lips with how fast your heart was racing. “No, I’m not,” you whimper and open your legs up to him, your hands moments away from ripping his sheets with the amount of force you used to grip them.

His nose nuzzled your calf as his hands removed your other heel and swung your legs over his shoulders. “It’s okay if you are,” his breathe feels burning hot against your flesh as he begins to suck on the meat of your thigh. “Daddy will take good care of you.”

You squirmed uncontrollably at the way he lightly nibbled the skin so close to your throbbing pussy, forcing him to press his hand down on your stomach to keep you still. You hissed as his teeth graved your pelvic bone and watched as he took the material of your panties into his mouth, tugging it down your thighs and standing up to pull them off completely. He stared down at you before taking the flimsy material and stuffing it into your mouth, your muffled protests like music to his ears. “Taste how desperate you are for me to fuck you? Remember that when you’re begging me to stop later.”

He takes your dress into his fists, ripping the expensive fabric into shreds like an animal, his eyes dark and flooded with desire. Your breasts look so supple and plump, he growls into your chest before taking his hands to push them together, nuzzling his face between them as your hips jolt up in need of friction. He sucks your nipples harshly, making a loud popping noise when he releases one to go to the other, manhandling the soft tissue of your tits in his hands.

“So needy and whiny, are you always like this?” He has a lazy grin on his face as he looks up to you, going back to graze your nipple in between his teeth, still keeping eye contact. His hand swipes your panties out of your mouth, swinging it across the room to hear your pretty little cries. You bite your lip as he plays with your sensitive bud, shaking your head as your hands find refuge in his hair. “Just for me then? Careful, you’ll make Megumi jealous.”

He groans as you tug on his locks roughly, almost unlatching him from your tits, making him wrap an arm underneath you to pull your chest against his face. God, your moans were so lewd. Even Toji was in awe at how responsive you were to him, how you crumbled with just a small touch. “I want to taste you now,” he mumbled into you, his lips planting a line of kisses down your stomach, as you let out a pathetic, “Yes, please.”

“Yes, please, who?” His mouth is hovering over your slippery mess of a cunt, and you almost buck into his face just to release some of the pressure building up inside you. “Yes, please, daddy,” you chime back, your eyes shut as you wait patiently.

His nose rubs against your clit, sending a rush of adrenaline through your veins as he speaks into you, “So fucking wet, you’re making a mess all over my sheets.” His tongue teases your wet folds with quick and short licks, collecting your fluids into his mouth like they’re holy, too precious to waste. You force his face into you by pulling at his hair, making him laugh lightly as he finally gives you what you’ve been begging for. His tongue enters your sopping hole, the wet muscle flicking inside your pussy which is clenching around nothing, as his thumb rubs purposefully into your bundle of nerves.

“Fuck!” You cry out as he applies more pressure and begins sucking your lips into his mouth, ravishing your soft core. Your thighs are tightening around his neck, not letting him escape you though he would never think to. He moves his thumb off your clit to grip your thigh tightly, his mouth replacing it as he suctions around it. “Gonna— gonna, fuck!”

“Use your words, or I’ll stop,” his threat is empty as he slips a finger inside of you, cursing under his breath at how your gummy walls cling around his single digit. “Gonna cum, daddy,” you manage, though it’s inaudible at best with how your moaning overpowers the words. “What a good little girl you are,” his tongue swipes your slit, and you sit up slightly, your stomach feeling crunched up and tight as you watch him take your clit in between his teeth.

The wave of ecstasy crashing over you is so strong and quick you’re unable to swim to the surface to catch your breath, the forceful tide dragging you down to drown in the sensation. You cum all over his already drenched face, but he continues to pulse into you, adding another finger as he licks up your slick, then continues sucking on your clit. Suddenly an intense build up inside of you makes you gasp for air, “Wait — wait, stop I—“

Your eyes widen as you can only watch the mess you make, squirting all over his chest as he finally falls back to watch you shatter completely. You didn’t even know you were capable of such primal actions, and he plants one last kiss on your mound before slipping his fingers out of you. “There you go,” he coos, wiping his mouth and then body with his comforter carelessly, “First time?” he analyzes your face as he crawls over your limp body.

“What was that?” You reply, still trying to process everything, as he backs you up into the pile of pillows near the bed’s headboard. “Mmm, so it was your first time,” is all he gives you before sliding his tip into your now overstimulated cunt.

Your hands race to grab something, to squeeze the life out of anything to feel even the slightest of stability, decidedly digging your nails into his back. He tries to give you time to adjust, but your pussy is a siren calling him to sea, begging to be stuffed to the brim. Your entire body shakes as he delivers one long and rough thrust, his entire length entering you and stretching your walls. Your eyes water at the stinging sensation he gives you, but his lips silence all concerns for your abused pussy as he takes your moans into his mouth.

“Jesus, you’re tight,” he praises as his mouth goes to suck on your neck, creating his own masterpiece of hickeys on the blank canvas. “You’re fucking suffocating me,” he hisses, only making you clench harder around him. His hips smash into you at an inhumane speed. You’re not even sure how he can be so fluid in the movement, considering how much you’re shaking and wiggling around him.

“Too— too much,” you squeeze your eyes shut, but he growls, taking your legs and tossing them over his shoulder as he hits you at a deeper angle. The tears running down your face make him feel sadistic with how much they turn him on, knowing how much you’re struggling to keep up with him, though this should be easy for you since it’s your profession.

A hand wraps around your throat, gripping it with a calculated amount of pressure that somehow feels good. It is almost too enjoyable as you take both hands to clasp around his arm and push it further into you. He almost busts at the sight, how willing you are to be his little plaything. “Good girl, taking my cock so well,” he purrs, continually slapping his tip against your cervix as he bottoms out. Your tongue hangs as you don’t even have the power to keep your mouth shut anymore, eyes closed, and head tilted back as your vision blurs.

“Awe, don’t tell me you’ve done so soon?” You can barely hear him with how your toes are curling, the spring in your stomach beyond tightening as it tangles into undoable knots. You yelp loudly as you feel your body flip, head down in the pillows as you feel he presses it down, sliding back into you without warning to continue his powerful thrusts.

You weren’t even able to ride out your second orgasm, you were immediately pulled back under the water, his balls slamming against your sore clit. He slapped your ass hard enough to leave a handprint and landed another on your other cheek for the sake of symmetry. “I don’t want to stop just yet,” his hands grip your hips so tightly you feel like he could crush your body if he really wanted to.

Your cum coats his shaft as he slips in and out of you, neither of you knowing when you released it from how many times you are being pushed over the edge. The lewd noises his cock makes as it punishes your embarrassingly wet cunt is almost disturbing. You think it might actually haunt you with how loud it is.

“Please, please, daddy—“ you’re praying he listens and feeling lost in the way you sloosh around him, he begins to drop to a sloppy pace. He hovers over your back as he releases low moans and curses, “So fucking perfect.” You don’t even notice that he’s shot his seed deep inside you until it comes gushing down your leg, his slow thrusts shoving it into you while pushing some out simultaneously.

He slides out of you, leaving you to feel incredibly empty, turning onto your back as your chest rises and falls exaggeratedly. “Fuck,” he pushes his now damp from sweat hair off his forehead, falling next to you as your legs continue to shake and everything feels numb yet overly sensitive at the same time.

He tugs your body into his side and kisses your forehead sweetly, shocking you with the sudden softness. As if he fucked all his hate into you, and now all that was left was peace and serenity. “I hope you’re not upset, but there’s no way I’m giving you back to him,” he massages your hip after pulling your thigh to lay across his torso.

“I’d like that,” you whisper, relaxing into the crook of his neck, taking in the musty scent you both produced.

He grins and releases a slight chuckle, “I knew you would say that.”
02 06,2021
Saki 03 06,2021
what do u ship
03 06,2021