opalint's answer (3)

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"most" twisted? ohh dear i can't choose XD but since you/or anyone finds twisted minds fascinating.. (as i do) pls let me leave my story here :D I've always wanted to tell people that my mind have been twisted since i was very young. I had wide and real imaginations, the ones which would make myself fall deep while imagining it. Around the first t......   reply
17 03,2017
i've been thinking the same thing. i'm 15. either bi or asexual, idk XD. i became a heterophobe so of course i don't want marriage (i have never told anyone). but i don't think not-getting married is possible enough for me :" i'm the only capable child to get married in my family, i feel those "i wanna see grandchildren" eyes from parents.   2 reply
17 03,2017
i fell in love ~~~ i love them so much   reply
17 03,2017