about question
POV: You're a child, a big sister drop kicked you in self-defense
14th pic is your reaction
14th pic is your reaction
about question
17 07,2021
This vid made laugh for 3 mins straight.
This vid made laugh for 3 mins straight.
about eat without getting fat
about question
about question
10 06,2021
So basically I asked my mom ''There's a crazy woman forcing her dog to be vegan(that vegan teacher), do you think she's right?'' and GUESS WHAT? She said that crazy b*tch is completely right. My mom is buddhist herself btw. she then started spouting those buddist bullsh*t and went like ''humen supposed to eat vegetable begin with because their teeth is flat and not sharp''. At that point I was f*cking speechless, THE STUPDITY, THE NONSENSE. I felt like I was arguing with a wall, I felt like I was spitting actual sh*t AGGRESSIVELY at a damn wall. There's more but I'll just put the most stupid part.
about question
03 07,2021
I just went to my school ceremony today, shit was awkward. First the we have to sing the National anthem. Nobody is sing I only heard the audio.
about question
06 05,2021
If you watched the series before, tell me what you think about the series.
about eat without getting fat