iNeedMoreYaoi's question page 1 (38)

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about question
I've always wondered, are clitoris mini dicks or are they just pussy nipples? cause they gotta be one or the other and u can't say they aren't
01 06,2021
is he not tryna turn the poor boy into a sock puppet?!...he just ramming that tree log up that poor kid's ass like his bottom half doesn't exist

....Why would anyone enjoy looking at the continuous torture being brought upon his asshole?

Please leave his anus alone it's innocent!!
01 06,2021
I casually woke up this moring and went to go use the bathroom all to slipp on some cum with hair in it and crac my neck on the bathroom toilet which contained fresh shit...send lots of luv guys i hope i make it
25 05,2021
about question
When you go out to the beach do you ever get sunburned, but can't afford sunscreen?...then you should just rub cum on your body! the cum protects your body from the harmful sun rays and keeps your skin hard!!!

So go and find u any guy or something with a penis during this hot girl summer and get all that cum on your body!!
01 06,2021
about lmao
Guys...we TOUCHED the thermostat, and our parents are coming home soon...WE'RE BRAVE SOULS
29 05,2021
about question
Aye so my sister just left the house its currently 1:25 where i'm at..should i snitch on her just to be mean or let this one slide??
17 07,2021
about question
iNeedMoreYaoi 21 07,2021
Drop your funnies memes...WARNING: they may or may not get stolen!
21 07,2021
about question
I swear i leave and come back to a convo about icecream
So yall obviously needed some more bullshit on yo plates.

So you ever wondered why they invented hotdogs?
Well my history teacher/Therapist told me it was originally made to be a thermostat for vagina's
You stick it in yo coochie and see if it gets warm or not, this was used to see if you had coochie germs or infestations #GET EDUCATED
01 06,2021
today the forum has been quite boring so here is a couple of riddles

1. What's something that shaped with hills, smells horrible, and filled with waste?

2. What part of the human body can become hard and soft?

3. I'm known as fruity, i'm multi-colored
10 07,2021
about question
Don't you love when your cat slaps its dick on your face while leaking pre-cum?
Well if your wondering why i said this, i got a question for u too..."why did u click knowing the title was gonna be some bullshit?
27 05,2021
What are some dumb misunderstandings yall have had?

I use to think people bleached their hair with the actual cleaning product and thought about doing it to my hair (>~_~)>
06 07,2021
about question
What is your fear? mines is the ocean, wild animals, and suspicious characters.
10 06,2021
iNeedMoreYaoi 10 07,2021
today the forum has been quite boring so here is a couple of riddles

1. What's something that shaped with hills, smells horrible, and filled with waste?

2. What part of the human body can become hard and soft?

3. I'm known as fruity, i'm multi-colored, and wet what am i?
10 07,2021
bruh so you know how u get really horny while a kids footlocker... right so that happened to me too and i didn't want to make my hands dirty so i grabbed some shoelaces from one of the kids shoes and wrapped it around my dicc and squeezed really hard...bruhh dat shii felt so good i almost cummed on one of the kids leg.
25 05,2021
about question
Yall know sperm banks are actually prisons. All the kidnapped boys and men that be on the news are actually locked up in sperm banks. Why u ask? to sell they sperm. think about it, who TF is actually wiling to give they sperm to a bank so there could be kids out their with there genes that they don't know about?

and the more they sell cum the higher milk prices be...think about it!
01 06,2021
tell me about your meat pleasure
25 05,2021
Where the fuck are the results?? i wanna see what yall weirdos said and laugh. I know i didn't participate in this shit for nothing EXPOSE THE WEIRDOS COME OUT FROM THE DARK! RISE FROM THE SHADOWS OF THE DEEP! COME FROM UNDERNETH HELL ITSELF AND PLAGUE THE WORLD WITH YOUR QUESTIONABLE UNGODLY ANSWERS!!
10 07,2021
about crying
I thought I had everybody on my side
But I went and nutted all sky high
And now, she won't even spare a passing glance
All just because I, nut in my pants
When Big dick Larry came round just to put him down
Spongepenis turned into a clown
And no girl ever wants to dance
With a fool who went and nut in his pants
I know, I shouldn't mope around, I shouldn't curse
But my hands just felt so good
'Cause windin' up not nutting is a lot less fun
Than a burn from the sun or sand in your anus
Now, I learned a lesson, I won't soon forget
So listen and you won't regret
Be true to yourself, don't miss your chance
And you won't end up like the fool who didn't nut in his pants

Dis my fav song from spongebob
03 07,2021
My dog hates me, my wife hates me, my kids hate me, my worms left me, my food chocked me, my balls left me hanging, my nipples left me sagging, and my job...promoted me gave me a raised, but then i was framed with fraud by my priest so i was fired. i just stole some homeless man phone and now i'm here venting....i feel better now
25 05,2021
about question
Hello, welcome to earth where the people are mostly assholes, and the many ways to die is above infinity, also there's about 1 million different languages! why not have just one you ask? well who in the fuck would wanna understand everyone am i right!! and most of the world is in poverty so enjoy spending the rest of your life slaving for the government!!

Now, how will you rate us 10/10??
10 06,2021