Kope's answer page 1 (38)

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i mean, isn't reading on this site basically illegal? correct me if i'm wrong though   1 reply
28 05,2021
ur prbly gonna get bullied if u say ur semi bisexual, ppl wont take u srsly lol   reply
14 06,2021
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caeser salad aka thick necked thumb lookin ass. do people even like him? idk, but the manhwa is pretty popular. he pmo   reply
2 days
People who try to be relevant on here and keep posting about their drama no one cares about   1 reply
10 days
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dont be envious yall are amazing and beautiful and talented and I will glaze women everyday over a twink and this is coming from ultimatetwinklover2000ultra like women are awesome   1 reply
3 days
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may this love(?) NEVER find me   3 reply
13 days
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Does anyone remember these mf   4 reply
1 days
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lol my guilty pleasure is ukes being treated badly (not like rape n shit just being ignored, mean behavior, etc) with a really good chasing arc/redemption. its so satisfying   3 reply
01 01,2025
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Art is and has always been a luxury. If you cant afford it then its your problem. 0/10 ragebait   reply
4 days
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Tried to think of some but all of them are just problematic. Maybe im more of a valid hater than I thought!!   reply
4 days
I can’t believe ass is losing   1 reply
5 days
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Holy may this love never find me you might have to start being really forward w him cus he doesnt seem very bright   1 reply
27 days
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Im actually such a glazer for good art, Distorted Soul is one of them. Has alot of stuff I dislike (replacement trope, incest (unrequited), more) but the art is genuinely so high quality I cant put down the cup   3 reply
9 days
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he's a pos but same people dogging on him go and drool over characters like zhenya so its really just pick and choose for some ppl lol   reply
26 01,2025
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yall need to stop responding to this type of thread damn obvi they like the attention and have no friends so just ignore them   1 reply
3 days
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the last goofy image I have is this is shot of Ness’s face when [spoilers] finally scored a bawllllllll bro started melting   reply
20 days
Get real, every genre has toxic dynamics bc thats what gets popular, maybe u dont like them in straight relationships it’s usually portrayed against a woman and might trigger some personal experiences/feelings. The reason why I read BL is I like submissive men, and its harder to find in straight mangas, thats it. I’m not gonna sit here and act ......   reply
21 days
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I would collect eraser shavings, like an abnormal amount. I would fill a whole jar with them and fantasize about making a really long eraser shaving dough and being displayed in a museum. I wanted to become the first “eraser shaving sculpture artist” and made up interview scenerios in my head. I was like 10 lmao   1 reply
2 days
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lol I just get busy, the second i have spare time i notice my mental health declines. this method aint for long term though, but none of my coping mechanisms are really healthy. but trust me, getting off this site helps like, alot lol. i took a long break before but was when forums and everything were closed so it was easier for me   2 reply
4 days