Oh no! What do we do!? An anonymous user from an illegal site is saying that they don't support trans people !!! >.< The transgender community is now shaking on their boots!! Shiver me timbers!! reply
huge dicks are so unrealistic and overrated i know it's fiction but come on now, dude is
a human not an elephant look at this bitch, that's gotta reach someone's ribs cuz aint no way they'll see another sun shine when they fet stabbed with this thing 8 reply
It's okay to like popular songs without knowing other songs of the same artist. "Oh you only listen to their popular songs blah blah blah" because it's popular?? Like you can't be coming up to me and tell me "Name 10 mitsiki songs" just because you see me listening to Washing machine heart.. 6 reply
Why do people keep on saying it's BL? Literally tell me where is the love?
People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt, hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
Or would you turn the other cheek?
Father, Father, Father, help us
Send some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (love)
Where is the love...... 1 reply
it's crazy how singers are in shambles right now. Cardi b throwing the mic, doja cat hates her fans, ariana grande the homewrecker and now lizzo's lawsuit. I wonder who's next 3 reply