MiMi's answer (4)

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Oh god I am kinda afraid to answer my own question I would ease it into the relationship slowly I don't to scary him I mean I have a book with 395 anime's and manga   reply
11 08,2017
Run like I have never run since I got my boobs and dance and sing no more period no more period no more period no more period no more period no more period no more prise the lord that's all   1 reply
07 08,2017
MiMi 09 09,2017
My best friend told me I am a sadist just because I smile when ever I see someone in pain and I love to tease people and hurt their pride so dose that make me one??????oh and I hate to feel pain I like to give it to people but I hate it when it's me In pain.   1 reply
09 09,2017
Can't parents would kill me   reply
11 08,2017