Literal God's answer page 1 (122)

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Just because I don't care, doesn't mean I'm not listening.   2 reply
15 10,2020
No contest.   3 reply
05 10,2020
Whatever manga you like to read, and whatever manga gets you off...go for it. It's not real life. It doesn't affect real life. It will never affect real life. It's not a sign you're a bad person. It's not a sign you believe it's right IRL. And everyone saying otherwise has already been proven wrong by the generations of scientific studies that bec......   6 reply
04 10,2020
Not really. Sometimes I come across a yaoi rape scene that really upsets me but most of the time the uke isn't actually resisting. Usually it's a 'I don't know what's happening' or 'no but yes but no but yes' kind of thing. While IRL it would still be rape and I would want to castrate that person in a very literal manner, this is not real life. A c......   2 reply
18 02,2017
about question
I don't know how I feel about this   1 reply
06 01,2021
Omg, seriously? As long as your bowel movements are normal (aka, you're not severely constipated or have a GI disorder), the anus is clean. There is warning that occasionally you may get a very small amount fecal matter (on the condom you should be wearing), but that's not the standard. That's a rare occasion. On even rarer occasion, a person may ......   4 reply
22 12,2019
Energy can't be created or destroyed in a closed system. The universe is a closed system but our bodies are open systems. That means the energy that was our life will disperse and become a part of other things that need it. As for what happens to 'us', when you die it will be something like being under general anesthetic. If you've been in such a ......   2 reply
21 09,2020
about have sex
I already know I'm not into receiving anal sex, so no. But I've fingered a guy before. You keep your fingernails super short and use a LOT of lube. Otherwise, it won't go in. You also need to go slow and make sure they're not stressed because there's an inner ring of muscle that tenses when a person is anxious. It takes a lot of practice for them t......   2 reply
02 05,2018
Agree with everything. All I'd add to this is that I have no problem with straight men and straight women enjoying lesbian porn. The only time it pisses me off is when I go looking for lesbian porn and it's got some guy in it. Fun fact: most gay men have absolutely no issue with people thinking their relationships are cute. They only care when you......   4 reply
22 11,2020
The people who bitch about how BL is fetishizing gay men. They share one brain cell and it's tuned to Instagram and Facebook and literally nothing of substantive value.   reply
25 12,2020
Because a bunch of young people somehow made their way here and decided they were going to bash on anyone who liked reading yaoi. Then tell them that liking yaoi means they do or believe things they don't. If someone said liking Harry Potter meant you supported child abuse, and then a bunch of other idiots dropped by to validate them, then you mig......   1 reply
22 11,2020
BJ Alex. The quality of it isn't bad, even though I personally dislike the characters. But it's very much not worthy of one of the top spots. The plot is mediocre, the knowledge of kink is very, very poor. The character development is shallow. It's extremely cliche and doesn't do anything useful with those cliches. It has a lot of good qualities......   1 reply
07 10,2020
Yuki from Vampire Knight. She only got worse in the sequel. She's a Mary Sue, self-serving, narcissistic and manipulative. Everything I hate in a character compounded by how the people she manipulates are in a delicate mental state. (also I still hate the response set-up on Mangago. Whoever designed it should be shot.)   1 reply
18 08,2018
If it's just a feeling of discomfort, it's not homophobia. I also feel uncomfortable when I see straight couples on public transport making out. I don't like seeing that shit. I just want to read without lip-smacking for punctuation. You're probably right and exposure has made you more comfortable with gay men than lesbians. If you were exposed mo......   1 reply
04 11,2020
Speak with a professional. Social services, psychiatrist. Don't go straight for the cops, don't go to your family. This kind of situation is extremely problematic. Because 1. They could have been assaulted from a very young age as that's likely in these cases. 2. They could have been fucking for years before you found them. 3. Even if they wer......   1 reply
20 12,2020
Almost all the 'calling out' is utter bullshit. I'm a fujoshi. I'm proud of it. I'm also a swimmer. A fighter. I'm also a nurse. I'm also a gamer. A writer. A lesbian. A brunette. A musician. These are words that have descriptions for the various parts of me. And you will find these words in peoples usernames across the entire Internet. How ma......   3 reply
17 01,2021
Ah yes, now I remember why I used to block this panel with ublock. Someone come get your kids, they need a diaper change.   reply
29 08,2023
Am I being reincarnated as the dude, Jesus, or the soft hands?   reply
19 01,2021
The only reason I'd want to be a protag in any manga is pretty much to do the isekai thing where you're rich and get to nope the shit out of the original plot. I'd open a book cafe in the middle of nowhere like the protag in The Savior's Book Café in Another World and just spend the rest of my life reading. Edit: You can tell who doesn't really ......   2 reply
22 12,2020