about create an oc
19 04,2021
Hello its Yujin here, I'm just wondering if you could be any type of character in a webtoon without being a main character what would you be? ex. dead mom, sister, best friend, villain? You can be any type of character even a background one.
about question
13 04,2021
Please don't tell me i'm the only one who gets mad when I see "minor" in people's bio's like- I can't tell if you're 6 or 17?
about question
06 04,2021
So I see a lot of people doing these so I want to do one :D
-You can be straight, gay, or lesbian, and not want to date someone transgender because that is just a preference, but if you make a whole sexuality about it(Super Straight, Super Gay, Super Lesbain.) Then that is most definitely transphobic.
-People should be able to have opinions, when I say this I mean people should be able to express how they feel about certain stories. I see a lot of people say "Oh well you should've read the tags before reading." And the thing is if your commenting your opinions on the story and on a legal sites, it is quite beneficial towards the author, such as, commenting on how the art style is bad, how the story line is wonky, or how the characters don't have enough depth, because the author can fix things like this and make their story better.
Anyways I also believe that people should be able to bash stories because that is their opinion and not yours.
-Stop using the "Oh its not even real its fictional" card like what? Fictional stories such as, Killing Stalking, Nii-Chan, Warehouse, and etc. Affects the real world in some way and brings back traumatic events for some people. I think its gross how some people can support rape, grooming, and etc. And then say "Well at the end of the day its okay as long as you don't support it in real life." Like honey are you okay? Did you not get the point of the story? Its disgusting on how some people can support it and say that its only fictional.
-Lets not romanticize Yoonbum's and Sangwoo's relationship, like did we not see how Bum stalked Woo, then Woo kidnapped him, then raped him and abused him? Are you sure thats something that you should be romantizing? Like the fact that Woo manipulated him is even worse like I can't really believe that people really romanticize that.
-You can be straight, gay, or lesbian, and not want to date someone transgender because that is just a preference, but if you make a whole sexuality about it(Super Straight, Super Gay, Super Lesbain.) Then that is most definitely transphobic.
-People should be able to have opinions, when I say this I mean people should be able to express how they feel about certain stories. I see a lot of people say "Oh well you should've read the tags before reading." And the thing is if your commenting your opinions on the story and on a legal sites, it is quite beneficial towards the author, such as, commenting on how the art style is bad, how the story line is wonky, or how the characters don't have enough depth, because the author can fix things like this and make their story better.
Anyways I also believe that people should be able to bash stories because that is their opinion and not yours.
-Stop using the "Oh its not even real its fictional" card like what? Fictional stories such as, Killing Stalking, Nii-Chan, Warehouse, and etc. Affects the real world in some way and brings back traumatic events for some people. I think its gross how some people can support rape, grooming, and etc. And then say "Well at the end of the day its okay as long as you don't support it in real life." Like honey are you okay? Did you not get the point of the story? Its disgusting on how some people can support it and say that its only fictional.
-Lets not romanticize Yoonbum's and Sangwoo's relationship, like did we not see how Bum stalked Woo, then Woo kidnapped him, then raped him and abused him? Are you sure thats something that you should be romantizing? Like the fact that Woo manipulated him is even worse like I can't really believe that people really romanticize that.
about liking unpopular things
24 04,2021
So I tried the Japanese Liquid Candy, and it tasted really good, 10/10.