Yujin's question page 3 (105)

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So I just wanted to ask what the cover should be, because i'm having a hard time deciding. If you don't know I also chose concept 4, and will be showing sketches when i'm out of school.
18 03,2021
24 04,2021
What are the most infamous users?
24 04,2021
about question
I'm sorry but wtf? Did y'all really make a petition so we couldn't dissect frogs?My niece now has to dissect a earth worm instead of a frog i- i'm shocked. In her state she isn't allowed to dissect frogs, and has to dissect different species of bugs-
13 04,2021
I just woke up in cold sweat after because I had a dream of Barron Trump, like I've been getting them quite often, please send help.
14 04,2021
Have yaoi in your username
Have no common sense
Don't know how to spell
Don't use punctuation
If your name starts with an A
If you actually like ketchup
If you call yourself a "weeb"
If you can't sleep in the dark
If you can't look under your bed without turning on the lights
If you scissor
If you don't brush your teeth everyday
If your dentist isn't a milf
If you aspire to be lonely everyday
If you stan Jimin from AOA
If you don't accept my invitation to peg you
If you don't want to go to New York with me and have me push you off the one world trade center
17 04,2021
22 04,2021
So we saw the post with Erectile Dysfunction saying they weren't you and showing their hands, but then why would you say "HAHAHA I'll NEVER TELL YOU" On their post where sindsb said that they won't tell me their main?
22 04,2021
23 04,2021
Okay but why is Fuchi so god damn fine I-
23 04,2021
about crying
Who is your least favorite Mangago user?
19 03,2021
about question
13 04,2021
13 04,2021
So once again, as the person I am. I was fighting with someone and they had said "Bisexual's should be able to say dy*e!" Personally I don't like bisexuals saying dy*e as a lesbian women. So share your opinions.
08 04,2021
about question
09 04,2021
So I saw someone rate pfps so just answer and i'll rate how I feel about you.
09 04,2021
This morning was a peaceful morning, Yujin woke up to a smell of coffee. "Hm? Whats this smell?" She though. She abruptly stomped into the kitchen where she met Petai, "Ah would you like some coffee?" Petai asked. "WE DON'T ALLOW COFFEE IN THIS HOUSE YOU BAKA" Yujin replied. Petai was upset and ran away. *Time skip* Petai then found a baby and decided to name it sindsb after the sound Yujin makes while attempting to steal ducks from a random park in NYC. *Again time skip* It has been many many years since Yujin has seen Petai, so one day Yujin breaks into Petai's home and steals sindsb, Yujin then takes sindsb to the One World Trade Center and pushes them off, Yujin then finds all the fan fictions sindsb has wrote and burned them all, the end!
22 04,2021
So for everyone wondering, no I don't read 'shota' exclusively and the only shota-con I've read is "Nii-Chan", so I could review it on Tik Tok, I have no idea where the OP got the idea that I do read 'shota-con' exclusively.
23 04,2021
about question
16 04,2021
Honestly you should really stop here, its getting a bit uncomfortable since you're actually including my girlfriend(which I feel like should not be here, in the small conversation). Its irritating me a bit since she is restricted on here and she can't share her opinion, I don't like to speak for her and I won't. Anyways, you shouldn't be speaking anyways because your as prickly as my teachers pubic hair.
16 04,2021
Again this is bestie Yujin doing this for fun, anyways 5 truths 1 lies. I hope that everyone can get these ones right, I'm honestly exposing myself at this point.
1: I only started dating my girlfriend because she was rich.
2: When I was younger I got bullied so I cut a hole into my wall, and then stole peoples phones and hid them into the hole, then stuck up manga panels. It didn't end well...
3: I used to date many people at a time and had them fight each other.
4: I broke into libraries and put rule 34 images into books
5: When I didn't like my neighbors I would call the police and tell them that my neighbors were selling drugs or abusing animals. I did this because my neighbors complained about my ducks, then released their dogs and the dogs ate one of them. R.I.P John Cena the third we'll always miss you.
17 04,2021
about question
Who was going to tell me that some of you guys remember me as my pfp, but remember it by the "bald guy" WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? HE IS NOT BALD? HE HAS LOTS OF HAIR FOR A MATTER OF FACT???
Anyways tell me what you guys remember me by.
09 04,2021
19 04,2021
Someone tell me why I just met some white chick with the name 'Karoshi' I don't know if I should be laughing or crying
19 04,2021
about question
19 04,2021
Does anyone want to go with me to Vietnam?
19 04,2021
about crying
I just wanted to ask what you guys are looking for, i'm thinking about making a GL and publishing it on tapa's. I'll most likely show you guys some pictures of it after i'm done with sketches.
17 03,2021
about question
I want to marry a rich guy and become a housewife, easy money no effort.
05 04,2021