WazzupBBG's answer page 1 (76)

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I absolutely love her! I do get why she was hated by so many people, but who can blame her for crying for feeling useless and not being able to help Naruto and some others during their missions because she is weak or not strong enough, but at least she's self aware and actually do something about it   1 reply
20 05,2021
about question
WazzupBBG 02 11,2024
6 7 8910 then I let it go again   reply
02 11,2024
about laziness
I drew 2 but I couldn't find my other one Edit: Nvm   1 reply
04 12,2024
This anime And these 2 friggers Searched up some fanfics, ended up reading yaoi   reply
05 01,2025
Bears Most of my childhood revolves around them or my favorite childhood characters tends to be them in many cartoons ex; winnie the pooh, brother bear, yogi bear, jungle book, robin hood, carebears, open seasons, little bear, king fu panda etc. Not only that looking at them makes me happy, like the polar bear from ICEE   reply
20 02,2024
I drew this one on my laptop I drew this one on my cousin's leg   1 reply
18 07,2021
about question
Happy Birthday   reply
20 05,2021
rlly nice nun   reply
10 07,2021
WazzupBBG 02 12,2024
Bye bye account   reply
02 12,2024
THEM! no need for explanations   reply
09 11,2024
I remember I used to be triggered with the words ending with -sion,-shion, -tion and -cion because of how similar they sound so I would play eenie meenie minie moe for which ones like decicion, fracsion or suspition   reply
28 05,2021
Minus the obvious like, incest (including step siblings trope), r4pe, age gaps, glorifying abuse etc. I hate hate HATE the helpless MC all of a sudden became a Mary Sue or literally the Mary Sue MCs! They're bland, stupid, cliche and unnecessary need to bully the ML or 2nd ML for no reason but they still like her or worst they're willing to be used......   reply
20 06,2024
about question
Nope, since you are aware that you are at fault and feel guilty. You could've blame your friend for being sensitive while staying ignorant because you didn't mean to, instead felt sorry for what you said because you know what you said was not alright to the other person. Just as long you apologize sincerely and hope your words comes through the o......   reply
28 08,2024
Spirited away There's a couple of Ghibli movies that does make me think or feel incomplete but this one REALLY makes me think like will they meet again or not? If yes, how? If not, why? ヽ(`Д´)ノ   reply
03 08,2024
about question
I support respectful trans people who spreads love rather than hate especially towards those who's not in the trans community and very true to their comfortable gender rather than those creeps and weirdos who takes advantage making the trans community look bad or those who constantly changes their gender like a girl changes clothes or choose a rand......   reply
29 04,2024
about question
I was going to do a abnormal skin color like pink or blue but it didnt match what I was going for   reply
02 12,2024