GumiTea's answer (9)

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How many of any religious book is actually true though? Why does this need to be discussed, when in truth this only will get opinionated answers :/ Some see the bible only as fiction, others as truth. The bible has some of the Torah and the Quran even references some things. But, you cannot deny real people contributed to all three. Now, im gonna g......   reply
21 04,2021
about question
GumiTea 29 08,2024
This past week on twitter has finally pushed me towards being truly feminist. It’s those woman who have supported others by protesting and fought recently, I see them. The case of the Kolkata doctor, The girl /victims who exposed Taeil and the victims of the deepfake chatroom. There is so much more honestly and it’s horrible. I personally am d......   1 reply
29 08,2024
Lmao......   reply
23 04,2021
Ya'll just love drama and controversy...   reply
27 04,2021
Maybe servamp, ghost hound, Nabari no Ou, shounen maid ,Spiritpact, Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun and kyo kara moah. I can't pick a favorite because I love them all. But, I really love Hakkenden because I watched it during a hurricane, dealing with no Ac was horrible and this show kept me sane XD.   1 reply
10 03,2021
about question
GumiTea 01 09,2024
Ai is already being used to replace artist in various fields(actors, writers, digital artists etc). Generative ai hurts society and has been found to be unethically sourced. Like illegal images in training data, copyrighted media, exploited workers and it harms the environment. Most people know abt the deepfake situation. It’ll probably get worse......   reply
01 09,2024
about question
GumiTea 28 04,2021
I was that person nobody really acknowledged. A girl once said to me, " I didn't know you were in this class gumitea" It was the middle of the school year...:/   1 reply
28 04,2021
about question
GumiTea 07 09,2024
I been hating kids since I was one myself. I remember being verbally harassed in a rude manner by some dumbass boy. In middle school, a group of idiotic girls threatened to beat me while I was in the restroom stall. I literally had just got there..they taunted me..threw garbage and called me names. But, I stood my ground and didn’t budge. Worst w......   reply
07 09,2024