Nye's question (17)

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about question
29 01,2024
Share some of the earliest art works you did, then share one of your most recent/proudest piece(s) in comparison. I looked back on my old art and had a laugh, but high key proud of myself for coming so far.
29 01,2024
01 03,2021
Like I know y'all were mad because i and a few others were tolling under the Yuri ambassador account, but was it really that serious? Anyways, live let love live I guess., but Maybe y'all aren't ready for me yet....

-Mr.Blxckie.2.0 (formerly know as Mr.Blxckie and Black kageyama)
01 03,2021
about question
Share something you love or hate about your culture or if anyone’s in the d9, share some of your experiences with it. Don’t be afraid to critique it also, cultures deserve to evolve.

One thing I love about my culture is the divine 9. My dad has the omega symbol burned onto his forearm when he was in college. I can show a pick down below if anyone’s curious. How they did it was they put him against a corner so he couldn’t run away from the pain of it and with a branding iron gave him a brand in the shape of the Omega symbol (just the Omega part of Omega psi phi) sounds gruesome tbh, but that’s what he wanted so oh well. It looks fucking rad tho. I don’t see it any different as traditional scarification in West African and Melanesia. It most likely stemmed from a mix of slave branding and traditional methods of scarification that passed down unconsciously. Uniquely black American I would say.

I always loved their strolls and how they presented themselves, and I always wanted to be a delta sigma theta with their cute little crimson and cream they got going on. Tho I do have some critiques like the reinforcing of cisheteronormativity and class division based of the contradictory metaphysical nature of what it means to be “sexed” within the specifically black(ed) context of having no form while simultaneously reproducing the conditions that keep us subjugated as we try and move towards “the human” (I’m in my Zakiyyah iman bag rn if you couldn’t tell )
26 02,2024
about question
Link commission info below, maybe this will be a good place for anyone to window shop or discover artist that they like. Any commission type is fine
28 03,2024
24 05,2021
Did anyone see what happened at Adrians Kickback?

If y’all don’t know, a dude name Adrian made a kickback invitation, and it got viral for some weird reason. Over 2k people showed up. The two things that baffled me about this party was that

1.) no one wore a mask

2.) This Adrian mf didn’t even show up! The price to get in was $40, and he didn’t even show up. 1000% meant to be a scam.
Some people flew al the way to the U.S just to come to that party.

If y’all want to see what the party was like, look at these videos:


From what I saw from clips, it was getting so rowdy that cop cars, helicopters, and police in riot gear had to show up.
That party probably is going to bring back a new wave of COVID in Cali.
24 05,2021
Mangago has been acting really weird lately. Its been randomly deleting users and apparently in this new development, cum4 is shadow banned now???? how does that happen??
01 03,2021
about crying
I’m honestly quite confused. Why are bts fans fighting over which racist should’ve won the Grammys? Like if bts instead of Gaga won, y’all wouldn’t have even bothered to look into Gaga’s past, but since you don’t have anything better to do with your life besides protecting people who don’t care, know, or even acknowledge that you exist, you decide to fight over which racist should’ve won the Grammy?? You’re just using black struggles to win a petty argument. And I am sure of that because y’all didn’t care about their racist past, and most STILL didn’t care even when they refused to admit to appropriating cultures and being and racist. You see the issue? Y’all weird. All of a sudden you an activist now?
16 03,2021
Mangago News got banned. Mangago is going on a mass ban, or someone is going on a mass report of popular/imfamous/random accounts.
01 03,2021
What do you think about Eula’s backstory? If y’all don’t know already, Eula is currently in hot water on genshin twt (ofc it’s genshin twt) because her ancestors owned slaves. Genshin made it clear that she was against what her ancestors have done, and that she is distancing herself from her family name. Everyone is arguing whether this character is problematic or not. What are your opinions?

And POC genshin players, what is your opinion on all these boycotts and controversies surrounding Genshin? If you’re not active on Genshin twt, all of this may sound very confusing, but iykyk

I’ll post my opinion down later so the conversation isn’t centered around what I say
18 04,2021
about question
Often I see people give their un-thought out opinions on here, so I want to hear something y’all are so passionate about and have full certainty you are correct in. Doesn’t have to be controversial, just need some passion instead of opinions that haven’t even made it out the embryo stage yet. Could be a hobby, manga/hua/hwa, a critique, or something you love
28 02,2024
about question
09 04,2024
Is getting high in the workplace/outside normal OUTSIDE of America or are we just weird like that. I was talking to my coworker, and it was one of many times where they were just zooted. Same things with people in my classes, some of my fellow students are never present. Lights are on but nobody’s home type of situation. Now I ain’t no saint but atleast I don’t do it in public like that fr fr unless I’m kicking it wit some friends

Speaking of getting high, what was your worst greening out experience?
Was in my moms house wit some friends and I took a gummy and I started hallucinating about shapes and shit. My mom called me downstairs and man I was struggled walking them steps. I felt absolutely stupid. She wanted to have a convo with me but I could not for the life of me be serious, so I just said I wasn’t feeling well and (tried) got a cup of water. Was blitzed out the entire time man, good times. managed not to throw up though so that’s an accomplishment. Idk geometric figures were so funny to me I was dead laughing.
09 04,2024
about question
18 03,2024
Anyone has a great analysis or well thought out rant on something (book, manga/wha/hua movie, tv show, theory, real life, home life etc) they wanna share. I wanna some real thinking. By analysis or rant, I don’t wanna see just opinions but like you actually observing something and coming up with a conclusion.
18 03,2024
about question
Anyone else seen the movie and instantly got hooked and had no other thought then “spider”?
If anyone seen it, show y’all’s spidersonas, fanart that you like, or even some fan theories.

If u haven’t seen it and wanna watch, here’s the link: https://flixhq.to/movie/watch-spider-man-into-the-spider-verse-sequel-66674
If it doesn’t work just go to flixhq.to and type in the name


One thing I thought was interesting was that Miguel’s cannon theory falls apart if u think about it for like more than two seconds. Like if miles was never supposed to be Spider-Man, why does he have to follow cannon?

If the spider verse has Infinite Spider-Man’s, wouldn’t it be likely there were a few who haven’t experienced a death of a loved one?

In a world of infinite possibilities, why would there be a set way something has to go? No one ever thought that maybe going against the predicted “formula” of the character Spider-Man was something that was meant to happen and not an error. We see in the movie that the universe tries to correct itself by glitching someone out of the universe, so why doesn’t miles automatically glitch when he’s made Spider-Man?
19 07,2023
about question
19 04,2024
Please give me a manga/wha/hua rec with a horrible mc. I’m not talking about an anti-hero, or a villain with morals, but just an mc with a shitty personality. Would prefer if there were hero’s actively working against the MC. Like I want Azula from avatar the last airbender type of crazy personality. No recs where mc is a rapist tho, plz and thank you
19 04,2024
Idk if someone already made a post about this or not, but the author of WEBTOON "Boyfriends" (A SOL high school story about a polyamorous gay relationship) made copious amounts of NSFW of BTS members.

Here is the tweet if you want to see proof https://twitter.com/t0othf4iry/status/1393228116877889536?s=20

In their apology, they've only mentioned the BTS ship comic, not the account he had running for 4 years that was dedicated to BTS NSFW.

Here is the apology https://twitter.com/refrainbow/status/1393045630134587396

His account

The apology was half-assed; Seemed like he was pissed about getting caught, and people holding his "past" actions against them. Kinda weird how he emphasizes "past" when in actuality his "last" (Idk if that was their last, just from what I saw) was from May of 2020. He tried to wipe his socials clean before he started his "Boyfriends" Comic.

It is also rumored that they ship K*eluc?? (Idk, I just now heard of it and haven't done much research so take this with a grain of salt). If y'all don't know K*luc is the ship name for Kaeya and Diluc, who are (step)brothers from the popular open-world RPG "Genshin impact".
17 05,2021
about question
18 07,2023
Nah what the hell why the forums back lmfaooo! Anyways, drop y’all posts usernames that u were known by in 2020, I wanna see who’s still around. Also, how was everyone’s day?
18 07,2023