i love my mom's answer (3)

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FINALLY SOMEONE THAT GETS IT! like cumming is genuinely not even enjoyable at all. Jerking off feels nice and all but actually cumming is not enjoyable AT ALL. u just kinda do it then u got cum on ur tip and u gotta like wipe it up and now ur just like bored and feel like shit. PISSING ON THE OTHER HANDED IS LIKE YOU HAVE JUST BEEN EMPOWERED BY ......   2 reply
12 11,2023
a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group i don't see why you had to ask that, you can just look it up on google if you want to find it   2 reply
12 05,2021
hes the kind of guy to be sitting and fart and lift up to let it out then bend down and get a little whiff like hes tasting a wine. probabyl makes that moaning sound too when he likes one   1 reply
12 11,2023