sheepy12's question (1)

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about cosplay
i know people fall out with their friends, but i lost most of all mine. only ones i have now are recent (i don't have any old friends that i've know for longer than a year). reason being is that i dropped them because i believed i was toxic (i was 13/14) and i dropped them when they were being mean/lowkey bullies (cringe but being fr. also talking sh1t about their own friends and their appearances bc of how insecure they were, i couldn't handle it because once I spoke up and told the person they ALL including the person i told isolated/ignored me).

i recently reached out and apologised, only half way to realise to myself why i dropped them.

im work best alone, but it hurts when i get purposefully isolated/ignored. but i don't mind being alone. I want to hear other people's experiences
9 days