bruh's question page 2 (65)

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bruh 26 06,2021
bought a cheap one with plastic on the tip
doesn't work anymore so i used the cap made with fabric
its full of dust now, probably has tons of germs on it
the way this rhymes is fucking stupid

im taking about styluses btw
26 06,2021
i was thinking of painting my golden retriever but i feel like an idea that came out of boredom will make the end results better (last time i used a random animal generator to decide what i should paint for a school homework and it turned out better than my usual works )
26 06,2021
what, does the baby comes out of their dick?
28 04,2021
about question
personally i would try hooking up one of them but hey that's just how i feel tho
02 06,2021
about question
someone from my kindergarten that i dont know messaged me
help, asap
24 04,2021
about paranoia
why do i feel like disney is otw making isekais. disney makes movies about princesses, etc, they can come out with isekais anytime
if so, please dont put truck kun and his cousins, it's getting kinda repetitive
02 07,2021
about question
there's a LOT of those in nh but i'm wondering if it's still a thing
06 03,2021
about question
bruh 27 04,2021
my dumbass fucking read a spoiler about orv when ive only read like 2/5 of the novel. HOW DO I FORGET, HOW, PLEAS E
27 04,2021
if yes then how do you feel about it
08 03,2021
about question
how many personalities have you acquired
26 04,2021
bruh 26 06,2021
facts only, it can start from the most obvious things like "humans have skin" to "you are NOT a law abiding citizen."
26 06,2021
about question
bruh 22 04,2021
i got a 1 dollar triangle shaped canvas, what should i do with it
22 04,2021
i once stepped on a cockroach with my bare feet. i felt every single thing. the feeling of a bug crushing, the liquids, the eggs, everything. conclusion: i think it liked it
the dead soul told its distant siblings and one of them crawled to my thigh when i was wearing leggings. that sly bastard wanted to be squashed so bad. but because of what it did, they're not getting what they want. i sprayed it with my trustable but spray that is actually my lover for years.
16 06,2021
istg most of them literally burns my eyes. have you seen the isekai ones? couldn't they atleast make the colors blend/complement each other at least?? adjust the tone? it feels like they just draw each part separately and then (badly) photoshop them all together and call it a day. don't even get me started on the typography..
30 06,2021
about question
im nearsighted, my right eye is worser than my left, but it's not really an inconvenience for me. i do need to squint on rare occasions, but >i dont get headaches< etc etc. also tailor-made glasses are expensive
10 05,2021
29 06,2021
about question
bruh 09 07,2021
1. are there any action mangas (the ones like solo leveling) with girls as mcs?
2. have you ever seen an ml with rainbow hair?
3. why are the lizardmen in "The Golden Haired Elementalist" hot?
09 07,2021
about question
bruh 09 03,2021
how do you guys reconcile with your parents after a huge fight ?

i love my parents, maybe not really. we fight a lot, but one time it got really serious it stressed me out for about half a day. during that, i noticed how my parents would just talk to me casually like nothing happened. i was a bit annoyed that they were so casual about it (im used to them never saying sorry, they never did. when i argued to them about it, they changed the topic by telling me not to raise my voice). so i tried ignoring them, but in the end i just got nagged. "so you dont need us anymore huh?" stuff. its like this for me everytime, so i decided to move on

how about you guys ? id love to hear you rant, but please keep your privacy in mind. if you have some advice for me, you can say it but i dont think ill ever do anything about my situation
09 03,2021
and it's not yaoi but shounen ai, would like ybc? im kind curious because i think it would be a decent plot
06 05,2021