Lorenquille's answer (7)

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Born to ship Victuuri!! Victor/Yuri is perfection! But I also love lots of others. Canon ships are: Shell/Eric (Blood Bank) Yurio/Otabek (Yuri on Ice) - is that canon yet? Shuichi/Yuki (Gravitation) Dee/Ryo (Fake) Gerita (Hetalia). Others are: Eren/Levi, Ymir/Krista. Jean/Marco and Erwin/Armin (Attack on Titan) Sebastian/Ciel, Grell/William, Clau......   2 reply
13 09,2017
Blood Bank, Blood Bank and Blood Bank! :D But I also love Caste Heaven. I love Killing Stalking, but for different reasons (it's definitely more horror than romance!). My all-time favourites (other than Blood Bank) are classics like Gravitation and Fake.   reply
13 09,2017
My first anime was Yugioh if that really counts as an anime. Otherwise, it was Outlaw Star, Gravitation and Sukisho (all of which I still really love!). My first mangas were Gravitation, Fake and Saiyuki. And I still love them to this day   1 reply
13 09,2017
35 year old bisexual female in the UK. I started with regular slash ships when I was about 16/17 and moved onto yaoi from there - so I've been into yaoi for longer than a lot of you have even been alive! I don't have kids but I'm married and my husband is a huge anime/manga fan too and we usually have the same ships and favourite shows. I love tha......   2 reply
14 09,2017
I was 16 or 17 I think and it was a doujin of Squall/Seifer from Final Fantasy 8 - still one of my favourite pairings! I'd been reading slash (Spike/Xander from Buffy if I remember correctly) for a little while and moved onto yaoi from there. Now I'm a shameless yaoi fangirl!   reply
14 09,2017
Find myself a cute little uke and live out all my yaoi dreams!   1 reply
14 09,2017