Scout's answer page 3 (522)

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I think my mom knows? I haven't really hid it from her but I do talk to her about plots of some stuff I read. She doesn't seem to care but once bought me a frilly apron because she saw it and reminded her of a plot I told her that was funny(Not inappropriate) that involved an apron. She laughed and said "Look, like that story you read the other day......   1 reply
04 04,2020
Most likely a girl who's okay with my Asexuality (meaning that sex might not be exactly what they'd be use to if it happens. I'm willing to try stuff but my record for how far I make it hasn't been great) Someone who can not judge me on my weird taste in music, manga, movies etc. someone who's funny, charming, and responsible. God, I cant live with......   4 reply
09 01,2020
kidney failure speedrun   reply
27 10,2023
Im... I didn't want kids but I'll take baby Jae-Ha   reply
02 12,2020
extreme vertigo. the feeling of constantly spinning even when youre on the ground but your head keeps spinning and you get nauseous but nothing relieves the feeling of constantly spinning and you cant think of anything but the spinning   1 reply
28 10,2023
about question
Scout 23 10,2023
sometimes ill look up a manga that hasnt updated in like 40 years and toilet terrorist was in the comments five minutes ago idk how but hes everywhere   1 reply
23 10,2023
honestly im kinda impressed by this ngl its well written   reply
13 11,2023
about question
absolutely lol i remember reading once that the Beatles were originally not very well liked by men. they thought the music sucked and women were stupid for going crazy over them. then when the sons of those women grew up listening to it and liked the music suddenly its regarded as the best band in history.   1 reply
11 08,2023
Why tf did I click that link ヽ(`Д´)ノ I hate people...   reply
19 09,2020
I already told this story but the time some girl took a shit too massive it wouldn't flush and all the girls in the grade were treating it like a sideshow attraction. There was also this one really annoying kid in 8th grade who no one liked and one day this other kid spent 10 minutes sharpening a pencil and without warning shoved it up annoying kid......   1 reply
14 10,2020
i'm too old and tired to be arguing with people online idc what it is i'm blocking. it's not my job to educate anyone nor to change their minds on views i might not agree with. if they're dangerous thats what the report button is for. it's not 'knowing i'm wrong or lost' it's simply that i think its a waste of time   reply
10 09,2023
Scout 02 09,2020
I know you are going to think I ain't shut up about this girl but,,, y'all I love her   1 reply
02 09,2020
Scout 20 10,2018
I'm on the fence... I feel like if i find a partner I really love and we become stable that that might become something i'd like... but before that the idea of my own children TERRIFIES me. Honestly, I don't even know why but even hearing that my peers are expecting scares me. Like I legit had a panic attack when my friend had a scare. I'm so ill e......   reply
20 10,2018
God, I wish there was queer representation when I was a kid. You know how much easier things could have been if I had a queer role model? If I had She-ra I don't think I would have had so many second thoughts about my sexuality. I grew up with Disney movies and shows where girls and boys fell in love and I enjoyed it and thought that's what I had ......   reply
11 06,2020
about question
gaming youtubers whose videos are 90% shouting.... that's all my brother watches and it reverberated through the entire house.   reply
02 06,2021
there was this girl who was a friends friend and we always had chemistry but neither made the first move. at a party we were sitting next to each other and blushing every time our hands brushed and i swear to god we both had the 'oh. OH.' moment when she offered me a sip of her drink and i used her straw. i left a little bit of lipstick on her stra......   1 reply
06 12,2023
ik its bad and not sustainable but... shien... because where else am i going to find plus sized shirts for like $9 that don't make me look like a grandma   reply
13 09,2023
Almost everyone at work caught the virus so I had to work over time so I really didn't read that much, but when I did I just used other sites lmao   reply
03 04,2021
about draw yaoi
buñuelos, churros, and sopapillas   1 reply
14 11,2023
I knew it was going to get bad. I knew there was going to be obvious differences in the way the police handled BLM protestors and yesterday's terrorists but I'm honestly appalled. I know there probably won't be any consequences for any of the people who broke into the building or even for Trump himself and that is so embarrassing. It was an act of......   reply
07 01,2021