Scout's answer page 24 (523)

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about question
to own a house. :') seems pretty impossible though   1 reply
10 07,2021
Ghosted my ex after a year long relationship.... She would threatened suicide if I ever did anything she didn't like and I felt like if I tried to talk to her she'd find a way to keep me in. It messed her up for years, she still leaves me passive aggressive messages every once in a while and it's been like 8 years On a less fucked up note, there w......   reply
02 01,2020
Wtf when did that start? But anyways get ublock and adblock extensions, they bypass almost everything of the sorts... i haven't seen a single goddamn ad in years lol   reply
18 07,2020
Yikes.. calling bi people privileged is seriously messed up. As for the f slur, I personally think that it shouldn't be used to address another person. Don't ever call other people the f slur. Though I can't say about using it for oneself. Historically the LGBTQ+ community has reclaimed a lot of slurs and used them as labels. Words like Queer and D......   reply
23 10,2020
I wouldn't care if my partner was bi. All that matters is how they'd treat me and if they are a good person. If you're thinking that bi men are secretly gay/straight or more prone to cheat and therefore not husband material that's really mean and unfair to them.   reply
17 03,2020
I was like 13-ish when I got into anime and first encountered BL. My older sister has ALWAYS been into anime, like I grew up with Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, Yu Yu Hakusho, and other classic anime shows. Except she was kinda cringey so I never wanted to get submerged like her lol. But then I did and I went to her to get recommendations and she wanted......   reply
27 02,2020
I get bored too sometimes... but i try to rotate my hobbies and genre of things I'm reading. Like today since I can't go to work I took my dogs on a short walk, then watched a movie with my siblings. I'll catch up on the BL I've been bookmarking over the week. Tomorrow, after errands, I'll probably read part of the book I just got and cook a new re......   1 reply
17 03,2020
No one can tell you when it is a good time to start exploring your sexuality. It is something only you can tell. I am now 22 but I started reading when I was 14 and have learned a lot about the community. This community is amazing but also dangerous for young readers, and I've had friends who had their experience ruined in ways that could have been......   1 reply
12 02,2018
Scout 25 04,2017
Shouta and loli are big nopes for me. Incest, rape, physiological, abuse, tragedy (unless if it ends on a good note ;A;), comedy+Ecchi in straight manga mostly because they rely on annoying cliches for their comedy. Age gap if the younger person is under 18 at the time they met (I will investigate, but if one was say 25 and the other 35 when the......   reply
25 04,2017
I do have aspects of it all that i don't like and hope that with time we can get rid of. Namely, the rape (Gross). But people make a huge deal about the pregnancy part of it. It's not that weird guys. There's trans dudes, some of them can have kids. And we should be normalizing the fact that they can if they choose to. With the whole caste system i......   1 reply
23 07,2018
about dating
Oh gosh I'd really think about it. Dating someone with kids means potentially becoming a parent to those kids. I'm not fond of the energy kids have so I don't want to be around them for long because they can't help it and it's not their fault I'd get drained quickly. So I'd find it hard having to potentially spend lot's of time around kids I'm not ......   reply
16 05,2020
I know this is probably a troll question but it can actually happen. idk the science behind it but my cousin was scared of using the school bathrooms in elementary school and she ended up not being able to pee at home which then caused a bad infection. They had to use a catheter to empty her bladder.   reply
25 02,2021
My immediate family? No, I love them all. We're crazy and get in arguments but in the end we've got each others backs. Now, my mom's side of the family is a different story... My grandma has been good to us and has pulled us out of bad places but when I get my own place she's not getting my address. Her whole way of life is scamming people for ev......   reply
15 06,2019
about question
Honestly corpse facts are so interesting to me   reply
01 06,2021
Scout 22 08,2020
back in the day my friend group would use boku no pico as a rickroll... all three episodes get progressively weirder   reply
22 08,2020
i mean... ive always wanted to live in a cottage far into the woods so i guess this works in my favor   reply
20 09,2023
i wouldnt have a problem showing them my account they know what i like. half arent interested in manga/anime at all and the other half only read on official sites lol   reply
13 11,2023
about question
Scout 24 06,2021
Why was it offering to put that on a neck gaiter of all things???   reply
24 06,2021
when i was like 5 i went to a birthday party with a bounce house. of course there was that kid who thought it was hilarious to pull the cord while everyone was inside. when the bounce house deflated i was in the back by the netting and tried to run but slipped and the floor folded around me, squishing my face and keeping my arms tucked to my body. ......   reply
27 05,2021
about question
Scout 09 04,2021
I can't wait for the day he finally pushes a little too much and fkn dies also fck the entire justice system for letting someone like him on the streets. I've proved him a danger to society too many times and the bitch still gets released into society.   reply
09 04,2021