Scout's answer page 23 (525)

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Scout 27 06,2021
??? do you mean like reuse the washcloth without washing it first? you're supposed to start washing at the top and work your way down?? so it'd only be gross if they're using it several times before washing it...   reply
27 06,2021
I'm trying so hard to keep at least my sleeping schedule hhnnngg being a responsible adult is hard 1. I wake up around 6:30-7:30 am, read my emails and look through snapchat and instagram, sometimes Tumblr 2. Get up and 'get ready' for the day (Literally put hair in bun brush teeth change shirt lol) 3. Help make breakfast and check up on friends ......   reply
08 04,2020
about smiles
You people: listing songs that came out when i was in high school Me: ... (Jeanette- El Muchacho de los Ojos Tristes, Melody- El Baile Del Gorila, Factoria- Todavia)   reply
03 06,2021
I had a little brown bear with a red bow named Osito... not very original. I left him in Mexico ad I never found him again because my grandma is a hoarder so he's lost in piles of junk :(   reply
27 11,2020
im a coward and id never admit my feelings first lol she confessed first and took my reaction as a rejection and then i chased her down and confess i liked her (the relationship was so incredibly toxic)   reply
05 12,2023
Twice but the first time it wasn't my fault... i was scrolling on Tumblr and my phone froze on a BL recommendation and my little sister saw it but she thought he was holding a bunny.... it was his pp second time i thought i closed the webpage and my mom came into the room so i could braid her hair and she looked over and the tags were so raunchy s......   1 reply
16 06,2021
I really think you should talk to her. Some of the stuff here can skew her thoughts. Things like romanticized rape. I doubt she'll stop, she's found something she's never seen before it's like a kid with a new toy. But, you can talk to her and explain why certain topics are bad and maybe try to steer her to manga that aren't so explicit or to talk ......   reply
02 08,2020
I go to any concert with ticekts below $50 in my area but for sure i'm going to Motionless in White, and maybe Avenged Sevenfold.   1 reply
28 07,2023
I'm an Ace lesbian(probably) and I just want variety...   reply
17 12,2020
I hate that!! But I've found that most of the time people wont budge so I just tell them something along the lines of, "I know what's true, this is what happened, if you want to believe me fine. If you don't, oh well. But what you believe doesn't change what happened and me sitting here trying so hard only makes it look like I'm covering something ......   1 reply
23 05,2020
I cant say Spaghetti lmao I say 'Pasghetti' or 'Spasghetti' and I have to really think about saying 'incense' because i always end up saying 'incest'.   reply
25 10,2018
I've heard shower heads are a good substitute for uh vibrating things   reply
18 09,2020
i would like to get married! I understand that it's not all important anymore but it's just appealing to me. First I gotta find someone who I want to spend the rest of my life with tho. Can't be with someone who would judge my weird taste in manga among other things lmao   reply
08 04,2018
about question
i hope to get married one day! kids are a maybe leaning towards no, depending on my financial situation mostly. i definitely feel the pressure tho... i'm one of the last in my group of cousins to have kids so the aunties and uncles are being annoying about it.   reply
16 days
Scout 21 06,2019
If you aren't sure if your parents wont react terribly or if you're not ready for your relationship to change with them it's okay to not come out yet. You're still valid for wanting to stay safe and in the closet for a while longer until you have a safe place to go in the worst case scenario. If you are ready for either of these situations (i.e you......   reply
21 06,2019
about question
lol yea. i started realizing around middle school and at first i blamed it on still not having gotten my period so obviously i was still a kid and didnt have a need to like boys (religious trauma woo) then when i started puberty i'd force myself to look at boys but the only boys i could imagine myself with were the long haired skinny scene/emo boys......   reply
10 09,2023
I'm Asexual so that is the main reason. I've had MANY chances to get rid of it but I just don't want to. When I was with my ex we were together for 1 year but when ever she wanted me to have sex with her I would just not be interested... I loved her dearly and thought she was beautiful. Hell, I had a line of men telling me how lucky I was to have ......   reply
05 02,2018
back in ye olde 2008(?) i was a scene kid and wanted an edgy "rAnDoM" user name and came up with something like xXxLostSoulScoutxXx... scout was what it was eventually shortened to and it stayed   reply
31 08,2023
I did and I didn't! A few years ago I had this friend who I started REALLY crushing on, she was our squad's hearth-throb so out of like 8 of us, 5 were openly in love with her. She and I got along the closest and on Halloween she confessed to me! I was in shock and couldn't respond and she took that as being rejected and disappeared for the night. ......   reply
05 02,2018
about question
Scout 30 05,2021
might buy the converse with the rainbow bottoms. donate some money to a few pride organizations. if a parade is happening in my city i'll see if anyone wants to go with me. and idk manifest perhaps getting a gf? or at the very least more queer friends   reply
30 05,2021