Scout's answer page 21 (542)

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people who film in public places for sure. like set the phone down and record themselves not just a quick video of whatever is happening.   reply
10 10,2023
Scout 27 08,2020
I hate that I know facts about this askdjh...If we're talking about the same guy: They do have a certificate but I don't think this guy got it yet lmaooo but turns out 90% of it is foreskin and not like what we all imagine when someone says "2 foot long dick". His uh member is basically useless but they had taken an x-ray of it to see the anatomy a......   reply
27 08,2020
Hmm I'd like to tell younger 13 year old me that I need to tell an adult and that it isn't shameful... Then that what happened didn't break me and I'm normal. Also that being a 'mature' teen doesn't mean you can date an adult, no matter how ~in love~ you both are... Probably, what happened between our parents didn't happen because of any one person......   reply
02 03,2019
Scout 16 06,2021
i- o_o dead rat????   reply
16 06,2021
beans, tortilla, queso fresco, salsa. and its absolutely delicious every single time   reply
13 10,2023
I love my parents and I actually enjoy spending time with them. I'm very lucky that they're good people and we get along. the only thing is, sometimes i feel some resentment towards my dad :/ i feel like he could have done more... there were times i really needed a parent and my mom was too sick and my dad wasn't there. things are great now as an a......   reply
22 06,2021
A little sloppier than usual because I don't feel good but here it is   reply
10 03,2021
about question
no wtf why would i they make so much on their own and if this place goes down i promise you theres like 4 more illegal sites to replace it   reply
17 11,2023
I always think of Zootopia or Beastars when I hear furry. Like animals with humanesque bodies, standing on two legs. When I see human characters with animal qualities, like Inuyasha or Tomoe from Kamisama Kiss(animal ears and tails but human faces and bodies.) I always considered it Furry Light . Then there's Ultra Furry like Lion King and My Littl......   1 reply
01 05,2020
apothacary diaries was great! spy family was fun as always. demon slayer s3 was great. my happy marriage was okay it definitely wasnt something i would usually watch. loved heaven official's blessing. suzume and the boy and the heron were fun. and finally i think the one i enjoyed the most this year was actually buddy daddies! i had so much fun wat......   reply
25 12,2023
about question
Scout 17 02,2021
Oh man this reminds me of botfly girl. Years ago there was this girl who ran a blog where she recounted the things she'd get off too wich included things like maggots from dumpsters and once the rotting corpse of a deer she found on the side of the road... Idk if it was real or where she is now but last time I visited her blog she was just getting......   2 reply
17 02,2021
love when it rains. except if im driving on the interstate because i think a trailer is going to lose control or something lol   reply
07 10,2023
im so lucky my parents are accepting. my mom makes jokes about walmart being homophobic because its out of my favorite snacks lol she also buys me pride stuff and sometimes its cringe corporate pride stuff but it still makes me cry like a child in her arms every time my dad doesnt know about me yet but hes brought it up many times that hell still l......   reply
25 10,2023
It's not weird at all! I don't think I've ever met someone who enjoys wearing a bra at home lol. If your partner feels uncomfortable with you not wearing a bra in your own home they aren't worth your time. (Psst try braletts if you can! I bought a few and they feel like I'm wearing nothing. I love wearing them when I have to go out but don't want t......   1 reply
27 06,2019
about crying
beyond being generally annoyed about them i'm honestly afraid for the ones who are serious... i saw a video of a discord full of them and one kid plucked out their eyelashes to make their eyes look more mono-lidded and 'east asian'??? and the others supported and encouraged them??   reply
17 08,2023
It's bad but that's unfortunately how every big show's fandom gets. Let's not forget one of SNK's most popular ship was ereri... I'm not defending it but it's made me wonder why suddenly we're cracking down on this fandom in particular when the ones before have been just as bad? (again i think the lewding of minors is gross I'm not siding with th......   reply
04 01,2021
clean and dress them first, then the most inconspicuous way to cover them is long sleeves... an alternative to cutting is holding ice to the area when you feel the need. I know you didn't ask for an alternative but it helped me stop when I was ready so I hope it can help you too.   reply
20 08,2020
where i went to college there was a university within walking distance and a lot of students were enrolled in both so we'd get emergency texts for both campuses. one time i went to the library then walked to class. when i sat in class the professor asked us if we were okay or if we felt too unsafe to continue with the lecture. there had been a shoo......   reply
24 09,2023
typically just regular sad stuff: think about the good times, cry, vent, etc then move on. it sucks but sometimes its necessary for your own peace. (except one time because she had me fucked up so i took someone i knew she didn't like to places we loved going together/wanted to go visit together and posted pics with them because i'm petty like tha......   reply
17 08,2023
Happened once with my mom... told her it was a recommendation from a friend lol but now my sister and friends would probably want the link   reply
09 08,2023