Scout's answer page 1 (558)

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Scout 20 08,2023
please just one day of peace on this godforsaken website   reply
20 08,2023
about dating
I'm single because it's really hard for me to find someone who would wait to have sex for an undefined amount of time... Every time I've thought about dating there has been people interested but we'll talk for a few days and they start heading towards sexy times and I'm not comfortable with that yet. If I tell them why either they say they're fine ......   2 reply
02 04,2020
Look the reason why pedophilia is bad is because CHILDREN CAN'T CONSENT. It is disturbing, and it's not an opinion when it involves people's rights. As someone who's gone through sexual assault as a minor, seeing shota and loli makes me almost relive what I went though, and it is horrifying. There are so many cases where the assaulter uses media to......   1 reply
02 05,2020
Scout 17 06,2021
i would rather die than read y/n fanfic idk why it's gotten so popular but i get so much second hand embarrassment   reply
17 06,2021
No! Don't... Don't do that! Σ(っ°Д °;)っ Like on top of just soap not belonging inside your body it would be so easy for it to get stuck. You'd have to go get it removed and at best be completely embarrassed and at worse end up needing surgery. Wanting to try new things is good an all but at least do it safely. If you can't get a toy made fo......   8 reply
20 03,2020
it sounds like you're pissed a hot girl in provocative clothes walking by was enough to get your crushes attention away from you. but just to poke some flaws in your logic. you say that the way one is dressed is the reason for their assault? because the first time i was assaulted i was wearing men's Dickies pants, a men's polo shirt, and a blue ......   1 reply
19 08,2023
Scout 17 07,2020
In Middle school the student teacher for my english class was removed from the class for months because a girl bent over and he got a massive boner. In high school there was a situation that put the school in lock down for hours. Like it started at 1 and we left at 5-6 ish. Worst part? It was a dumb prank no one was ever in danger. I got a SWAT tea......   3 reply
17 07,2020
about have sex
the things you people come up with   reply
18 08,2023
I only know the sauce of one... the chihuahua is from Spy x Family   11 reply
15 10,2020
If anyone's hair is that long I don't wanna socialize with them   reply
05 11,2020
arroz con leche!!   2 reply
25 10,2023
It's literally a part of growing up unfortunately asdjslsh. Honestly just let her be, maybe try to show her that there's so many girls like her. But in a way that isn't mean, you know? Instead of saying 'you're not special everyone does that' to 'Oh I know a lot of girls who like that too.' I know it's hella annoying but everyone had a cringe phase......   reply
22 07,2020
about question
so many comfortable transphobes on an illegal gay manga site....   reply
30 08,2023
can you pass me the salt? can someone please pass me the salt? PLEASE STOP YELLING CAN I JUST GET THE SALT-   1 reply
01 07,2021
I have such a soft spot for this girl... who wouldn't? She could kick anyone's ass into next Tuesday, she's caring, her design and backstory are badass, and she's adorable. I need $350 to buy her figurine pls   2 reply
30 07,2020
Scout 11 05,2021
Although I see the authors' frustration with having their work stolen.... the way they responded was really bad. Lezhin is a well known company, they could have worked with people to translate the works into more languages. It would have been a good business opportunity from them, to have the works available to more people. (CONTEXT FROM WHAT I KN......   4 reply
11 05,2021
about question
id love a story block button... it wont let that story show up again in reccs. update page, ect. i'm tired of scrolling through four pages of isekai and ecchi het just to see what's new   3 reply
19 10,2023
disney live action remakes have never been good and i wish they'd stop making them because theyre straying further and further from the original story in hopes to 'modernize' the story and end up with this very cold corporate feel to the movie and it looses its charm. i wish they'd just came up with new stories with all new characters   2 reply
19 01,2024
never had a wattpad era including y/n/ x reader/ x OC ¯_(ツ)_/¯ it always gave me the ick lol   3 reply
13 09,2023
Oh god I hate people who get called out on their toxic behavior and claim oppression. No Straight people aren't oppressed. Someone calling you out and you getting butt hurt does not mean you are oppressed. If you find yourself in this position maybe take a step back and think about what you might be doing. Sometimes people want to be oppressed so b......   2 reply
30 04,2020