❣B I T C H E S❣'s question page 4 (81)

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Don't mind me
14 02,2021
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I want to know why?
05 03,2021
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thank you for raising me well, I am very grateful because I was born in this world I love you, and this is my last speech before I go, maybe I will never be able to see you again but I love you
25 02,2021
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I saw this one users making pov abt raped and it's not FUNNY....
And idk this raped but it's kinda like sexual harrassment so 3 years ago my mom friend (a guy friend) came to our house and then my mom at shower and i was at the living room playing with my phone n he come to me and touching my private spot and i remember that he's licking it!!!! But idk why i'm not panic or scream i'm just...i thought he just joking w me and i'm getting older now and i know it's not okay...
14 02,2021
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So u guys remember that i'm the one who make question "raped is not funny" and u guys remember that my mom friend touching my private spot abt 3yrs ago or 2 I'd don't remember so I tell my parents abt what happen and they laugh...and I cry the whole night n my sis is mocking me tho

-disgusting creatures
18 02,2021
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Don't be shy(≧∀≦)
( don't share it's if u thinks it's privacy sorry for bad english)
15 02,2021
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Bestie guess what...i'm gay

-꧁B I T C H E S꧂
04 03,2021
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Your 14th pic in ur gallery is sangwoo reaction when you said u want to break up with him
24 02,2021
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overexcited tiktokers
15 02,2021
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Ayyoo send me some memes, i wanna steal it hehe(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
14 02,2021
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Mangago is qestion is full with this shitty thing so
(Ps don't answer it if this question is disturbed your privacy sorry for bad eng)
09 03,2021
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*nervous laugh*
Okay we must take a sharp knife, but if you want to use other way it doesn't matter for example hanging yourself or jumping from the building, I suggest you jump from the building because that is the easiest way to die but in my tutorial I will show you how to die using a sharp knife you can use different types of knives no matter small or large but the knife must be sharp, okay so now you have a knife and you need to stab your stomach or neck, okay let me start first 1 2 3 ACKK!! OHH FUCK!!..MOTHERFUCKER WHY TF I'm DOING THIS AUGHH I'M BLEDDING FCK!! MOM CALL AN AMBULANCE...AUGHH
So thanks for reading this
Omg..it's hurt so bad
12 03,2021
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i told my friend that i read yaoi/gay stuff and i told them "pls don't hate me" and then they said it's okay but i'm scared that they will said bad things abt me behind me :v i can't i'm so stupidd OMGGGAH CALM TF DOWNN
20 02,2021
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