✧babybeel✧'s answer page 1 (87)

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All the mha answers are BORINGG give me something new   2 reply
27 07,2024
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Any book thats trending on booktok is traassh   3 reply
14 01,2024
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Ho is u with the feds   reply
07 01,2025
one word: deny deny deny   reply
04 04,2024
Me discovering modern day apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and colonoism   1 reply
13 11,2023
I pretended to be sick bcs I didn’t want to present something for class that day (I would barely ask my mom to skip school btw) so anyways it was like 4am and I thought to myself maybe if I begged my mom really early in the morning she’ll think its really serious, so I told her that my stomach really hurts and I couldn’t even stand up. My m......   3 reply
06 05,2024
nahh cuz you could not waterboard this information out of me ong   2 reply
01 09,2023
about question
I'm in full support of #blockout2024!! what ever gives more power to the people, stop the halo effect yall have on celebs, stop idolizing and treating them like a whole other being, hold them accountable when they keep silent when there's a gen/ide happening   2 reply
11 05,2024
when guys put their arms on the passenger side seat and look back when reversing the car instead of using the mirror, like HELLO??? it feels so intimate for no reason   2 reply
08 01,2024
Him cumming from a kiss alone is just so denji coded istg   reply
04 06,2024
about question
Try selling extra clothes u don't wear on Facebook marketplace or Carousell (it's better than throwing them away too)   reply
26 04,2024
about eat ass
02 04,2024
about question
Fun fact about me, I was born the day before 9/11 happened. Yeap 2001 and everything.   5 reply
09 09,2023
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Since we’re on this topic, please check out operation olive branch!! They have links to different links to gofunds me of families who are stuck near rafahs border! They have to pay for entry to Egypts borders which is fucked up but thats the harsh reality! If anyone is interested i can dm you links of families that I’ve already donated too and ......   2 reply
12 05,2024
tbh when i feel lazy to study, i think about how the academic year 23-24 in palestine officially ended because all the children are either dəad or displaced.   1 reply
30 01,2024
me realizing I’ve been using a beta website this whole time   reply
24 03,2024
about question
lmao   1 reply
01 07,2021
I guess clowns and kinks are shamed on this platform :/   4 reply
03 11,2023
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This tread restores my faith in humanity, never stop talking about this. Eyes on Rafahh   1 reply
06 04,2024