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about question
Why do you have what you have as your pfp?
18 06,2021
about question
cuz why not?
14 07,2021
This is me again (the person from sometimes a random stranger's kindness might blah blah question )
How're you doing now??
Are there any problems that you've wanted to post on mangago forums but were too shy to? If yes then you can post them here so that I can maybe help you or just listen if you like it that way!
And I love you! <3
Hope you'll have a nice day / night ahead!
25 06,2021
I don't even have a friend so
18 07,2021
How are you doing?
Is there anything that you want to rant about?
Feel free to do that!
I'm here for you!
And if you're having a hard time, just know that I'm rooting for you, that I trust you can do great!
Now go and do your best!
09 07,2021
about question
Who are your top 3 favourite person on this site and why?
I'll go first
foggy,tawin and bureau of investigaytion
Ps: They're all ranked first . I've arranged them according to who I talked first
Reason : they're all so nice! And tawin is such a sweety!!
18 05,2021
To those 18+ out there who've completed school,
Do you really miss your school?
Like why would you miss that hellhole
10 07,2021
about question
Y'all mangago users are so mean
You troll ppl
You get aggressive
You're weird
You're mean
But the most important thing is
You're nice to the nice
And you're supportive
Like y'all literally saved me from dying
I'm grateful to y'all
And I love you so much
You're so important
Anyways, I hope you'll sleep well tonight! <3
21 07,2021
about eat food
You're stuck with your idol, your 5 pic is your reaction
27 05,2021
Y'all I've been attending online classes and it's been a hell.
I can't learn what they're teaching online T^T
Even if I learn anything by chance, I'll forget it after the class ends.
I'm practically blind without my glasses rn.
Life has been shitty during this covid 19 pandemic.
I was tested positive. And it hurted like a bitch. Tho I'm recovered it is still hard to breathe.
*Tw*mention of death

There's a chance I might die. Honestly I don't mind it but don't wanna infect my parents.
11 06,2021
about question
Can be any gender
20 06,2021
To you, you random stranger, how was your day??
If you had a great day then I'm happy!
If you had a boring day I hope you find somethin interesting!
If you had a bad day then here, have hugs and kisses <333 (which I'm hoping will lift your spirit). I hope things will get better for you!
Oh and if you need somebody's help don't , post it here so that I can try to help you!
And just know that I luv u. You're the best!
24 06,2021
I've been talking to someone for about 4 months or so, are we friends now? (I approached them first saying that I wanna be friends )
Also,what is a friend? Close friends?? Best friends?? What's the difference between them all?
And how do u react when someone tells complements you online? Like what response do you send them?
05 06,2021
about question
I'm bored
So I did this
How're you doing now?
I hope you are doing great!
And if you're life is a mess like mine,
Just know that you don't deserve any of this
And I'm soo proud of you bestie!

One more thing,
I'm always rooting for you!
And no matter what you do in your life, I love you
You mean so much to me
You're very important to me
Like very very very very very very much
And if you wanna rant about something you can comment here!
Or if you feel uncomfortable saying that here then you can msg me personally
Or if you don't wanna let me know, it's fine
I just hope that you're doing good
And that nothing goes wrong
13 07,2021
about eat food
Would you rather fart in front of them or confess your love, knowing that they already have a lover
27 05,2021
Not the ones like biting your nails and stuff
But weird habits that ppl don't really have
I have this really weird habit of catwalking when I'm angry / annoyed
My hips go right to the left like crazy XD lmaoo
And I make that "idgaf" face when I'm trying to control my anger haha
Another weird thing is I stare into ppl's eyes alot. Especially when I catch someone staring I give them a blank glare till they move away
21 07,2021
about question
Do you have something interesting to say?
07 07,2021
Be it those who are always horny or those who are weird , just know that you're loved, ILY!
Things are not going well? It's gonna be okay soon, one day.
Don't think about giving up! Just breathe, life goes on!
Anyways, sending lots of love and virtual hugs to you! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
25 05,2021
about your pets
Yk sometimes you're depressed , and you want someone to say that you're important to them, that you're being loved...........
To the ppl going thro that phase,
you don't deserve all the shit life is giving u, you deserve all the love of the world!<333
Anyway, I hope you'll have a good day/night ahead
06 07,2021