Innocent Incubus's question page 1 (26)

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that affects one person every millennium, you have exactly 72 hours, starting now, to live.

The ruler of you country gives you an unlimited budget to spend in your last hours and gives you access to meet and associate any celebrity on the planet.

No laws are applied.

What would you do?
24 02,2021
It was dark when you woke up. A lone light flickered above you, swaying from it's wire. Its dim light barely illuminated the two walls on the either side of you.

You're not in your bedroom.

You're completely awake now. Awake and panicked.

It seems that you're in a hallway. A hallway with one light above you. A hallway with unpainted walls and black and white floor tiles.


A sound comes from the dark. Your eyes open wide as you spin yourself to face the noise, body filling with adrenaline, prepared for flight or fight.


The sound is repetitive, hypnotizing.

You find yourself moving towards it, you can't stop your feet from moving.


The light is behind you as you keep moving in the darkness towards the sound. You want to know, you NEED to know.


The lights went out.

You freeze. Mind racing as the hypnosis breaks for a second.

Something wet drips on your head.


It runs down your face.


You don't look up.


It's cold.


Something touches your neck. Slimy. Cold. ALIVE.

You jerk back and run, muscles pumping, brain still processing, unseeing.


Noises behind you.

Don't look back. Keep running.
Don't look back. Don't look. The words spinning in your head.

Head pounding now.
Where's the exit?

Still running
Your alarm goes off as you get out of bed. Nasty dream, you think grabbing your phone to check the time.

-You have 1 new message-
(Attached video)
Let's do it again sometime~
08 03,2021
I know half of yall spend the most of your time here (me included) so what's the time now?
22 02,2021
Humiliating way to die?
09 02,2021
Name The Top Five Things To Take With You During A Zombie Outbreak.
20 02,2021
describe your life with a six word sentence?
20 02,2021
21 02,2021
What is the most controversial opinion you have?
(and yes, I do know that there is manga/manhwa for me to read)
21 02,2021
Single pringles: What's the most coupley, lovey dovey thing you ever wanted to do or have done to you?

Taken like bacon: What's the most lovey dovey thing you've done or experienced?
01 03,2021
I was just minding my business petting my kitten and cuddling it when it suddenly trumpeted. You know what that means. It let one rip right on my lap. WHY?! Why would you do this to me Bartholomew!?

He also has this weird tendency to try and peak into the bathroom when people are "in" it. Like, I'd be in there and I'd see his eyes staring at me. Without blinking. He's banished from the upper floor now.
14 02,2021
about question
Innocent Incubus
06 03,2021
What are the cults/groups on Mangago that you know of?
06 03,2021
What is the body part you are most proud of? It could be sexiest, or cutest, or even weirdest.
18 02,2021
Maybe T/W

With my luck of course I would end up with a pedophile, and of course I tried to make them see reason. And of course THEY WOULDN'T LISTEN TO REASON. I feel mentally exhausted.

Stranger: Do you like real kids?

You: Hard NO.

Stranger: Ok

You: You the same?

Stranger: Well

Stranger: I do

You: Like little kids? Real ones?

Stranger: Yeah

You: May I ask the why?

Stranger: Because they're just more attractive to me. They're cute and pretty and they're like, fresh/don't smell bad with ugly aspects the way adults do.

Stranger: Like naked adults seem kinda gross to me

Stranger: Whereas kids are hot to me

Stranger: Just different people have different preferences I guess

You: Would you have sex with an actual kid?

Stranger: If I knew I wouldn't get caught, yes

Stranger: I wouldn't rape a kid or anything, I'd only do it if they wanted it too. But if they wanted it and it weren't illegal I definitely would

You: But would a kid know what they want? Like I mean, they're not actually mature right? Mentality wise?

Stranger: Well, no one's fully mature everyone does things sometimes and change their mind later. But yeah kids can be old enough to know what they want to the extent other people can.

Stranger: Like I think people and our society really underestimates young people and thinks they don't know anything, it's like they don't remember being a kid and having wants and complex thoughts just like adults people

Stranger: That's separate from being into kids btw, I would see how kids are limited and seen as incapable as a bad thing regardless

You: I remember getting sexually involved with a much older person when I was younger (and thought I knew what I wanted) but now that I am older and more mature, I regret that it happened. And am quite frankly not happy with myself. Because childhood should be innocent.

You: And unstained, that's my point of view.

Stranger: I'm sorry you had an experience you regret, that sucks. And yeah I get that have bad experiences, but people definitely do that at any age, there's lots of older people that get into negative or abusive situations. I do think though that if there's a big age difference, then the older person should be aware that they might know more and make sure they're not pressuring the younger person into something they don't want.

Stranger: Also I think that innocence is subjective. Someone can be sexual and still be innocent, and most kids are sexual even if they don't act on it and have those sorts of feelings anyway.

Stranger: Like, I definitely remember having sexual feelings as a young kid and experimenting with other kids is really common when you're young

You: I just feel that children should be protected, and cherished. They should have peaceful thoughts for as long as possible without being weighed down with everything that comes with sex. There's enough of that when you're older.

You: I just feel they shouldn't be exposed

Stranger: I think that kinda suggests sex is a bad thing and that someone can't be cherished/peaceful if they have sex? Like ultimately I think that individual choice should be respected in when to have sex, regardless of age, just because someone else thinks it's a bad idea and that they're too young doesn't mean they should be able to stop the person from doing it.

You: Well, it's like this, how do you feel about horror movies?

You: The really disturbing ones?

Stranger: What do you mean?

You: Um, I mean what do horror movies do to you? Physcologically?

Stranger: Oh, I think one of your messages didn't send? Because I didn't see anything about horror movies

Stranger: Just "The really disturbing ones?"

You: Oh, my Q was how do you feel about horror movies?

Stranger: I don't really watch horror movies

You: Hypothetically?

Stranger: Like idk if I've ever actually seen something that would be considered a horror movie

You: Ok then

Stranger: Sorry

Stranger: I mean as far as I feel about them, if people like them then great?

You: Generally, a horror movie scares a person. BAD

Stranger: Why, do you like horror movies?

You: Everyone reacts differently to them, I got so scared that I developed a fear against porcelain dolls, I can't stay in the same room as one

Stranger: Oh ok that doesn't sound fun.

You: Some people find it thrilling

You: because of the adrenaline rush

Stranger: I used to get really scared of movies when I was a young kid but I don't anymore.



Stranger: Wait what

You: Same with me, I rewatched the horror movie I watched and I'm not scared anymore of it

You: but I'm still scared of dolls

Stranger: Ah ok

Stranger: I don't mean horror movies though

You: No no I know you don't mean horror movies

Stranger: I was terrified of movies like The Incredibles and Finding Nemo that my dad would make me watch

You: But I'm trying to give a metaphor wait what??

Stranger: And then I'd get scared but he wouldn't let me leave because "it's not scary" lol

Stranger: That's when I was really little like 5 or something though

You: I wouldn't show the horror movie I watched to a kid "in case" the kid developed a reaction to it

You: The same goes for sex

You: I wanted to watch the horror movie yet I had an adverse reaction

Stranger: Adults can be scared of horror movies too though

You: Same with sex is what I'm trying to say

Stranger: That doesn't mean they shouldn't watch a horror movie or have sex just in case they might have a bad experience with it

You: But that's an adult

You: Whhy risk breaking a kid

Stranger: It just means people should be careful and respect other people and not pressure them into things they're uncomfortable with

You: But I wanted to watch the horror movie

You: It's not pressuring, it's understanding

Stranger: I don't think a kid risking harm is worse than an adult risking harm?

You: The what? Yes it's worse. They have less experience, less maturity

You: The kid will have to carry it for the rest of their life, and their life has barely begun. Why start off with a messy start when we could make sure they have a clean one

Stranger: I don't think that makes it worse, any harm done to someone is bad, but sex or horror movies doesn't have to be harmful, and it should be up to the individuals to decide what they're ready for. Also no one really has a clean start to life, everyone has bad experiences and mistakes, there's no way of avoiding that. but most people turn out ok/functional humans.

You: Ok then, if you would please tell me your requirements to have sex with a child?

You: Consent? Age? Do you mention it first? Do they come up to you? Do their parents know?

You: Just a few

Stranger: Do you mean in this world, or in a world where it was legal?

You: In this world

Stranger: In this world, I think it'd be really hard to be in a situation where I'd do that and I doubt it will ever happen (I don't want to go to jail). So if I did do it, it would have to be a kid who approached me for it and they actively decided and wanted to do it and they say they won't tell anyone. So it would be their idea and they'd definitely consent to it. And that they would understand what sex was and what we were doing.

You: So you haven't actually done it?

Stranger: Nope

You: If a kid did approach you, could you please just send them on their way instead of proceeding?

Stranger: Why? If they want to and I want to I don't think it's anyone else's business really, if it's two consenting people who respect each other then I think age doesn't matter and there's nothing wrong with it.

You: It's just if a kid came up to you and said marry me. Would you marry them?

You: Also how old are we talking?

Stranger: I wouldn't marry anyone who randomly came up and said will you marry me

Stranger: Like age wouldn't matter there either

Stranger: But I might have sex with a person who randomly came up if I found them attractive, but that's not a long-term commitment like marriage is.

You: So if a 12 year old came and said, "fuck me" you would do it?

Stranger: In the right situation, yes.

You: Would you marry them too if it came down to it?

You: What if they got pregnant at that age?

You: And what IS your barrier in this whole shebang?

You: 10 year olds? 9?

Stranger: Idk if I want to get married but if I did, and we could legally marry, and if I loved them and they loved me, and we had practical compatibility (like similar goals and values) then yeah I would marry a 12-year-old.

Stranger: I would be careful about avoiding pregnancy and things like that.

Stranger: As far as age, basically just old enough to have real opinions and choices and and know what sex is and what they want. So like not a baby/toddler basically.

You: Accidents happen you know with pregnancy. It's never fool proof

Stranger: I know that's possible but you can pretty dramatically reduce the liklihood unless you're careless.

Stranger: Anyway I know you're not going to agree with me about this. I do appreciate you having a conversation and not saying I'm a worthless subhuman monster or anything though.

You: Listen, I am going to leave now but please PLEASE think about all I said today. Please.
04 07,2021
If you don't want it stay invisible.
19 02,2021
Why do you think users use them?
09 02,2021
have the option to watch only one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
19 03,2021