My brother is gay's question (18)

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Hey good morning, it's 9:39 am now at my country
09 02,2021
about question
So i read banana fish doujinshi and I i was like "gurl that's- "when eiji sucks ash dick, and then i start to make fan girling (idk how to spell) noises lol
07 02,2021
about question
Mine was lenovo, and it always lagging but nvm i'm grateful that i still have a phone ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
07 02,2021
about question
Your 13th pic in your gallery is ur reaction
07 02,2021
about question
So my friend that i didn't know much abt her much she kinda annoying, like she always share her conversation with her boyfriend at the group chat and it's kinda annoying, and then they all start to talk abt boys and sending boys pic , bruhh i was like can guys stop talking abt that thing, then they was like ignoring me, idk what to say so i left the group lol :v

(But u guys thinks it's little annoying or not? Or am i being a little....B I T C H)
08 02,2021
about question
so tadi kawan aq yang sorang ni aq dh kenal dia lama dh, pastu tadi aq mesej lah dalam grup guna voice mesej pastu dia tetiba datang ckp "cah" (nama aq aisyah) pastu dia ckp "sejak bila cah" pastu aq pon reply je la sejak tau dia mcm perli aq lh mcm "sejak bila pandai baut itu ini " haih sabo je lah, geram aq, lantak aq lh nk voice mesej ke nk mati ke nk mampos ke, just mind ur own buisness bitch, sibuk betul dia tu, kalau ikutkan aku geram ja nk reply "lah lantak aku lh yang kau beria nk ckp sejak bila ni asal" annoying tau dia tu, nasib kawan kalau cousin dh lama dh aq ckp cm tu
09 02,2021
about question
Your 13th pic in your gallery is ur reaction when you realizes it was a dreams :v
08 02,2021
about question
Nk wat babi air tapi gk ada money :v
09 02,2021
about question
Tell me one thing that fake depressed kid say
08 02,2021
about question
Am i the only one who regret watching goblin cave
08 02,2021
about question
So yesterday i joined a group and later there's one guy from that group asked how old i am, and i reply "messages me personal" and after he asked my age, he want my pic and i send my ugly pic (ik i'm dumb) and then i asked him how old is , then he say 25 and i was like ohh okay.... then i said "bye don't chat me", but he says to me like this " you look so cute, how about you be my girlfriend and i reply "no you older than me!!! I only 13 u pervert" and then he says it's okay bae i don't care about ur age, i only care about you, then he says he want to video call with me and i said "don't call me you pervert" and then he was like okay bae i won't call you then i says bad word to him then i say "i'm gonna block you" after i block him i left the group, so that's my story also tq for reading this i know this is a little bit dumb lol ( i think this story should be on storybooth lol)
07 02,2021
about question
No one cares lol :v
09 02,2021
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Your 16th pic in your gallery is your reaction (and also you guys remember me? My username is " I THINK TF NOT" And i change my username to "i hate my life" but i accidentally press logout and i forgot my password ughh life sucks (︶︿︶)=凸
06 02,2021
about question
So aku saja je nk cite sikit
Okay, haritu kawan baru aq ni buat grup borak² n aku pun join lah sekali pastu ade sorang member aq yang mmg aku dh kenal lama ni sibuk nk mcm perli aq lah, dye selalu ckp cam ni kat aq "amboi sekarang ni on whatsapp je" aq pun mcm lah lantak aq lah at least aq tak gatal nk cari pakwe umur baru 13 tahun kot sibuk nk cari pakwe, pastu aq macam nk marah je kat dye tak tau lah nape annoying gile...
06 02,2021
about question
It's 10:27pm at my country
09 02,2021
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Boleh ke ckp "assalamualaikum bitches" and satu lagi Aq tau aku ni bengap sikit sebab ckp aslm kat site ni, so please jangan kecam aq, aq hanyalah seorang fujoshi yang keseorangan :v jangan bully aq hshshsh
09 02,2021
about question
Well I'm sorry coz i'll make this site like my own site, and talking Malay and many users on this site didn't like and maybe they annoyed bc they didn't understand , so i'd going to talk eng :v
09 02,2021