yuri ayato's mushroom's answer (14)

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hot guy transferrd into world with titans and becomes the titans king's bride and becomes gay they have seggs almost every night the guy almost got raped by a wolf   1 reply
21 04,2021
about question
Aries black/purple LGBTQ+ (lesbian) introvert outgoing basic social anxiety i feel like i would be like i feel like erina nakiri but like a shyer version of her and more timid   reply
08 03,2021
several times i've read yaoi infront of my grnadparents and parents and none of them have found out   reply
23 02,2021
about question
i mean i doubt it would happen that my stalker is a very tall big dick engery man and want me to become his mother because he has mommy issues but i mean i feel like if i had a stalker irl they would want to kill me take ou my organs and stuff me with cocain but i would get stockholm syndrome if they were hot ╮( ̄▽�......   reply
22 02,2021
OOF my manz got me trippin hunny   reply
22 02,2021
soft momma boy   reply
22 02,2021
hah couldnt be me   reply
23 02,2021
23 02,2021
sis really said pinocchio (︶︿︶)=凸   reply
23 02,2021
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huh http://pic1.mangago.me/r/essay/d3/co_/1813088_11250721.jpg   reply
22 02,2021
heres ideal lesbian me imma girl btw   reply
23 02,2021
heres my lesbian couple   1 reply
23 02,2021