highflyer's answer page 2 (72)
blackwashing is fine [i wouldn't call it blackwashing though, since it puts it in the same level as whitewashing, something actually harmful]
idk why people make such a big deal out of it either, people hc canon cishet characters as lgbt and no one bats an eye... it's almost like people have a problem with black people [not saying hcing cishet cha......
1 reply
13 07,2021
thought this said "friends are like omegas" but then i realized it was just cannabalism and calmed down
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19 05,2021
why are you publically showing us porn of a little child..??? you're literally just exposing it to people who don't want to see that shit
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17 07,2021
i mean finding someone attractive =/= having a crush on them??? also people have crushes on people who will never return their feelings [because of their sexuality] all the time and it's not a problematic thing at all
for the getting turned on thing... if you're watching it because its porn and just that than go ahead idc
but like watching gay por......
16 05,2021
looking at all the replies makes me wish yall were actually normal
20 05,2021
you should probably use something like google docs to write that kind of stuff down, much more private and easier to hide
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09 06,2021
we'd all literally be court jesters bc we're stupid fucks
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10 07,2021
the hell is happening on mangago dot com
23 04,2021
i promise you the lgbt community making jokes about straight people isn't the same as actual oppression
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09 05,2021
idk op just sounds like masturbating with too much extra work
13 07,2021
do you think these people control how many upvotes their comments get?? lmao you're pressed and for what
01 07,2021
why.... are you comparing real life living breathing relationships to fucking YAOI
"know more about the gay world than them" i don't even need to tell you how dumb it sounds T_T no one knows more about the "gay world" than people who have same-gender attraction whether you read gay manga that's USULLY HEAVILY STEREOTYPED
you wanna know why people......
22 04,2021
this is like ten shades of embarrassing
25 05,2021
...she sure is a biological mom!
21 06,2021
you have been picked by the council
23 05,2021
ok like the medical definition of psychopath, someone who suffers from psychosis, then yes they deserve to treated better than some buzz word for someone who's a bad person [most people who suffer from psychosis are the ones who are victims of abuse]
but like not this chief!! putting people with mental illness on a pedestal actually doesn't help t......
1 reply
26 05,2021
i used to be since people kept gatekeeping what sexualities nonbinary people can be lmaoo which, by the way, nonbinary people can be any sexuality
22 05,2021
bpd isn't a type of neurodivergence btw!!! it's a cluster b personality disorder, which are not neurodivergent disorders
11 05,2021
nope i simply mind my own business or leave a comment on a forum post and unfollow the question so i don't get notifications of people replying to me
17 07,2021