Neptunian's answer (9)

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about question
Congratulations (●'◡'●)ノ   reply
16 02,2021
about question
Just ended Haunted by Desire and OMG this is GOLD! A hidden gem. It also rememebers me of "fate makes no mistakes" (another favorite) but it goes even deeper in my heart and sould. I wanted to erase my memories just to read it again and have the same overflowing emotions.   reply
26 02,2024
about penpals
Neptunian 24 01,2018
If it's not too late, can i please join this? My LINE ID is "netuniana". Thaaanks (●'◡'●)ノ   reply
24 01,2018
about penpals
Neptunian 24 01,2018
Hiiii hope it's not too late to join. My LINE ID is @netuniana Thaaanks =)   reply
24 01,2018
about penpals
Add me too pleaaase. LINE: netuniana (≧∀≦)   1 reply
25 10,2018
Please!! I do! My ID is netuniana. I'm new on LINE, but i hope it's alright Thank you (●'◡'●)ノ   1 reply
21 01,2018
about penpals
OMG can i join as well? my user is @another.netunian   reply
01 07,2018
about question
This one?   2 reply
16 02,2021
Hi, can someone add me? LINE: netuniana   reply
10 01,2019