syrup's answer (7)

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Killing fucking stalking. Nobody warned me. Everyone was like “oh, lime, it’s sooooo good! read it! If you like yoi, you’ll like ks!” And you know what? I read the first three chapter of ks and now I want to kms. I’m not good with that kind of stuff. I hate blood, I hate abuse, I hate torture, I hate that fact that he peed himself; I hate......   4 reply
10 08,2018
Someday I probably will. I get bored of things really fast and have issues with commitment so my hobbies and the things I like are constantly changing. While yes, I do sometimes go back to things, I also give a lot of stuff up for like, ever. I might not though. We’ll just have to wait and see.   reply
20 06,2018
Haha. This is a really funny (and sort of weird) story. Quite a long time ago, when I was about the age of nine, I played this online game in which you could meet up with friends and stuff. It had restrictive chat, so everything was mostly safe. Mostly. I went to this one girls like, house or something (in game ofc) and they started talking about t......   reply
16 06,2018
I got innocent uke. I don't think it really fits me,, but like,,, okay,, I guess,, haha I mean, like, i like cute stuff, don't get me wrong, but uh. kitty ears? Wait, never mind, I own two headbands with cat ears. Candy Shops? Nah. No. Maybe. Yes. Yeah, yeah. Baking cookies? Hell yes. but holy shit yes I would want a romantic seme. I would die f......   reply
16 08,2018
that depends. I first heard of yaoi when I was nine, on animal jam, because it wasn't a blocked word, and I looked it up but didn't really see anything. so, I think 10 or 11 would be more fitting because at that time I was consuming a massive amount of romance anime and somehow found/watched junjou romantica. I liked it, I thought it was okay, bu......   reply
16 08,2018
Haha! I’m 14 and i started reading it when I was about 12 too! Honestly, I don’t think it really matters when you get into it, so long as it’s of your own will and not someone forcing you to like it or anything.   5 reply
23 06,2018
I was like legit scared. I hadn’t ever seen a dick in my life, but I enjoyed the stories/romance/characters so I would often read manga with those kinds of scenes but just skip through them real quick. Now I think they’re pretty lit but I don’t go out of my way to look for them.   reply
26 09,2018